Monday, 13 October 2008

Yay! Off tmr! (with val)

Ta-dah! Yes, u heard me... I'm off tmr! Going to Taian City's version of Ginza tmr... N of course, sleeping late today n waking up even later tmr! Muahaha... Finally!

Well... there's not much crowd today so somehow, it was even more tiring due to all the standing ard. Haha... Guess wat? pple have been asking me if I'm from South, like Guangdong. Lol... Well, I AM from South since S'pore's South of China and... since my dad's Canto, I guess I'm somehow from there... Somehow la... Oh well...

Anw, we kinda had dinner at this wanton noodle plc. Here's the pic...

It's really quite a big bowl. there's like 7 wantons and guess how much a bowl costs? Mine's pork with prawn, only 10RMB! Val's chicken with mushroom and it's only 7RMB. We didn't finish it in the end.

By the time we 'finished' dinner, we walked to this park called 'dragon well park' ok, tat's my own translation. It's called 龙潭花园. At least that's wat I think the characters are. It's a really nice plc! So it seems. Cos altho it was only 6.30pm, it was alr quite dark. As you can see in the photo below... It was really cold too! So cold that I could feel the pain in my ears! Brr...
If u look carefully, u can see some figures and pillars. Haha... Kk... Don's going to bed. I shall end here for her sake. Oh well, Val's gonna use the internet anw so... Hope I'll not be lazy to blog tmr! Yea! Pig day for me tmr! Nite everyonesssssssssss........... Oyasumi!


Anonymous said...

may i suggest you stick to blogspot? haha. manda here!

Wen said...

Haha... Sure... I'm sticking to it... now tat i've finally figured how to change the settings! It's in English now! Hoorah!