Sunday, 26 October 2008

So what if there's no Deepavali here? *Humph*

Hiya! Off for 2 days but seems like I nvr really did anything constructive. Woke up at ard 1130hr yest. Oh n guess wat? I lost my departure card! Freaking irritating! I was looking high and low for it... Tried looking every possible damn plcs but to no avail. :( My mentor said that she'll help me call the airport to ask about it. I really really hope that it'll be alright... I dun wanna go to jail! >_< (Haha...)

Was just slacking the whole first half of the day, waiting for Val's return, (to play with me). Went to have dinner then to Ginza's supermarket. We spent around 120RMB spending on all the what's not. Oh yes! I found the 'House' brand Japanese curry! But we dun have rice cooker to cook rice for it... So... Sigh... Afterwhich, we went in search for my water bottle. Finally found it and it was Tupperware brand! Haha... Guess what it's called in Chinese? Here's it: 特百惠 So weird rite? It's so not Tupperware! I bought it at 38RMB which is ard S$8. Like quite cheap ah?(Haha... Val's stomach keeps growling, she's munching on seaweed and her favourite 'wang wang' biscuit now.) You can see my bottle here... I was deciding on which colour to get. Blue or black. Guess what I got in the end? Hee... BLACK. Well, since it's translucent it's more like grey but it's black.
Just when we were almost, almost going back, I received a call from my mentor. ?! *gasp* She asked where we were, what time we are going back then asked us if want to go and sing karaoke now, with her and the GM at the hotel's karaoke lounge! ( She knew that we originally wanted to go today). Sigh... I asked Val, and she said 'anything'. So it's for me to decide. Thinking that it wasn't nice to reject the invitation, I said yes. I almost died!

So, we went. My first song, I sang Sammi's 'Try Again'. Sigh... how I wish Joyce was there. I love singing with her! Sang other songs, like 'Sleeping Child' by MLTR (they didn't have Paint My Love), 'Yan Lei Cheng Shi' by Sefanie Sun, etc. They were all great singers. The GM, the Directors, my mentor and of course, Val. (Yes, Val, I love your singing *cheers*) We really really felt like taking photos then but thought that it was quite inappropriate so we missed our chance. By the time I went to bed, it was 2am!?

Woke up at 0824hr today. Val was still soundly asleep so I decided not to wake her up. But she managed to wake up in time for us to catch breakfast, 10 mins to 9am. Today's breakfast is one of the happiest one I've had, not that I've had many breakfasts here but I left the restaurant feeling sated. I had cocoa pops and cornflakes with hot milk, bread with butter, bread with CHEESE, soya bean milk [it was tasteless so I added brown sugar, it wasn't bad after that but sigh, no sugar syrup... :( ] Had sushi as well, I love the vinegar and rice! Mm... So much calcium today la... Love it! been missing dairy products for so damn long alr la! Sigh... Milk... Meiji... Urgh... Can I have any, ANY meiji stuff? If anyone can bring it to me at this instance, I'll just love you to death! Sigh... N I just had to come across this THING yesterday while 'window/screen' shopping online.
Gotta go do my report now... Plus there's a test I think I mentioned before, tmr! Sigh... and X'mas choir tmr... Hmm... Wish me luck k?

Before I go off, here are some other pics I took today as well as the past weeks. Keep forgetting to upload. N since Edwin has requested more pics, I'll try as much as possible to add pics more often. :)
Pics of white lilies, taken at our hotel's very own flower shop
(Pretty pretty, Don, it reminded me of Kaori Yuki!)

Here's a pic of the 'jia bing' we ordered at the roadside. It's delicious!
(Can't eat often though)
The thing the spotlight's shining on's said to be 'ma la rou chuan' (麻辣肉串)
The Chinese soup I drink when I go down to the buffet restaurant for lunch/dinner
(It's pork rib soup base and varies with radish, winter melon (my fav.) & corn) Yum! ^_^
The things we saw at the supermarket yesterday:

They are mini pumpkins! So cute la!
Here's the extra gigantic Durian!
(I think that that's ONE seed. Btw, this is North of China, where do they get their Durians from? Isn't it like a tropical fruit?)
Btw, they dun smell of strong 'pungent' durian. :s
Last but not least, Ta-dah! Some worm-y stuff.
(there are 2 types.If I'm not wrong, one of them is cricket)
Dun you dare ask if we bought them! We didn't!
Tat's all... Byyyyeeeeeeeee! \(^_^)/

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