Sunday, 12 October 2008

1st Sunday...

Sigh... Just bathed and having dinner now. Cup noodles... Oh well... Not like I dun like to eat cup noodles but my brother just called and my dad told me that my bro, grandma, auntie and him are having fish head curry for dinner... Sigh... Not that I really love fish head curry also... But... fish head curry vs seafood instant noodle. Pick one.

Now that my dad & bro have called, who I really want to hear from is my aunt... Sigh... :'( But again, I'm quite afraid that I'll cry when I hear a voice. Oh well... this shows how much I miss her.

Oh... guess what? Many things happened this morning! One, two chinese locals asked if I was from Singapore. I stupidly said yes and he started asking me things like how long it takes to go to Singapore, how long I've been here, blah and finally, asked if I can leave my no. behind so that they can look for me when they are there... Like... huh? I just quickly looked for help but 'nobody' was ard. In the end, he at least offered me a choice, saying that if it's inconvenient then just say. So i apologised and told him that it's inconvenient, turned 180 degrees and walked away briskly with my heart thumping... :s weird.

Another incident was when this guy was asking for smthg. All I could hear was, 'quail' I was like quail? Inside me I was like... "u mean quail as in quail egg?" Haha... N guess what? in the end, it's actually chopsticks. Go figure. If my colleague didn't come to my aid, I would most probably start climbing trees to look for quail's egg. Ok, just kidding.

Brr... it's getting colder by the day. I can feel it! N i guess also partly 'cos of the weather, I've been waking up with swollen eyes, tho it's better today N dry hands, mainly due to the drying of cutleries? I guess. Alrite... I think I'll nvr have nothing to write everyday. there's so much that I'm lazy or so much so that I dunno how to write so yea... if u wanna noe more, can always catch me online or email me. :> Love u all lots! Gd nite!

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