Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Wednesday, 15/10

Orientation – Day 1

Today’s orientation… Had a more than 2 hrs break so we went back to the hotel room for lunch. N, u guessed it, Instant noodles! Yay! Haha…Yay... Mine's the 'can be found in Singapore' brand (right side)!

Nothing much happened during the first half. Just did some brief intro of the hotel, mgmt team, etc. Then we went to walk around the hotel again. Sigh… the hotel’s huge and will always be, for me. It’s a wonder how those places connects and end up side by side. There are 5 meeting rooms, ball rooms, etc. Their names are so confusing! Urgh! But the people attending today’s orientation were new, just like us, n they were from many different dept. so it’s good to know them. BUT… The fire prevention/ precaution training was really emotionally tiring. One, it’s all in Chinese. Two, we couldn’t really catch what was said so we kinda blanked off at some parts. Well, people did fall asleep. It was weird ‘cos you could just feel the tiredness emitting from us all. Well, day 1’s over… So… yay!

Yesterday –

We really went on a shopping spree yesterday after lunch. To our surprise, we really walked a lot n got some really good buys! We lunched at the hotel’s restaurant yesterday and there was this chocolate cake which was… Ooooooooooooo… superb! Small it may be, it was good and satisfying (I’m quite sure I could finish all… perhaps I can eat them all tonight if they have it) Hee… As u can see below, it’s the one above. The bottom one’s blueberry cheesecake.

Ok, back to shopping. We went to Ginza, as I’ve mentioned, but there wasn’t much to last the many hours we had to spare. And so, we decided to roam around randomly. We were headed to nowhere but still managed to buy quite a number of stuff on our way. The street where we roamed around, which we found out, was called ‘cai yuan’ road. Quite a nice place to wonder about J We ended up at another popular shopping spot which is called ‘zhong bai bai huo gong si’. I saw this really nice cardigan. When I first saw it from afar, I told Val, “wait!”. Walked towards it, tried to check the price, thought about how much it is, stared at it again, asked Val for her opinion, stared at it yet again, then finally listened to Val – I went to try it on. Ta-dah! I tried the black one, the green one, the grey one then looked at the purple one AND I finally decided on the BLACK one (of course).

This is the one! (Sorry, forgot to rotate)

Oh… N before that, we went to this fast food restaurant called ‘Disco’s’. It’s not bad… except that they dun have chili sauce, only chili powder. :s Mine the one wrapped in the paper-ish thingy. It’s some double pepper rice burger. Very similar to our Mos Burger but the rice here’s nicer. Gosh… Mos Burger! I want my Teriyaki Chicken Burger w/o Onions, Fish Burger w/o onions, Yakiniku Rice Burger, Shrimp Cutlet Burger, Iced Milk Tea with 3 milks, Corn Soup, complete with their fat fries and Japanese mayo! Wah! >_<

Lastly, Happy B'day to Wai Wah and my dearest Brother! Sorry Gor, it's my 2nd time not being able to celebrate your B'day with you. But no matter what, still, I hope you'll have a wonderful one without me... Miss you much! :)

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