Friday, 24 October 2008

Met a Fellow Singaporean! ^_^

Yes, I met a Singaporean today! Actually, I met 3 BUT... Sigh... it's story telling time.

I was helping a gentleman and lady clear their table. Seems like they came for a biz conference. They were talking quite intensely, I could kinda tell, u know, this very distinct Singaporean English. After she mentioned DBS Bank, I gathered my courage and asked them, "May I know where you're from?". They ignored me, kinda, she just said, "yea, you can clear them" or some sort like that. I was like, forget it. Oh well... you know, not very friendly people so what for converse with them?

Then after some time, I moved to the table beside them, to clear their stuff. One guy was asking the guy opposite him, "was it MIDA from Singapore or something like that?". After I heard it, I was like, "are you all from Singapore?". The guy who spoke replied me, saying that he's from Singapore but not the other 3. He then asked me which part of Singapore? I was like, huh? What which part? ??? Haha... funny la... Then he finally got it, he asked, oh, you're Singaporean? O_0 Haha... I still dun really understand what he was trying to ask tho. He then asked what I was doing here, which school I'm from, how i find this city, etc. I was damn happy tho. Cos, I really never expected to meet Singaporeans here. So I ended with a "nice meeting you". >_< felt so at home for a minute... Hee...

Oh yes, this morning, I met another Jap old couple. I went to the old lady and cleared her tablewares. Then asked, "nihon-jin desuka?", the usual. :) She then replied, yes and asked if I am too. Haha... No, I do not speak good jap. It's just the old jap ladies' mindset. Then I told him that I'm not. Then she started talking a lot, I tried really hard to catch and what I could decipher from her speedy jap speech was, something like, asking me to study Jap hard, that it's impt./useful, continue to work hard, etc. While she was talking, she was patting my forearm. Very cute and motherly. Haha... And while the whole convo. took plc, the old man was just sitting on his seat, looking at the both of us with pleasant gentle eyes. So cute la... Sigh... I should have brought my Jap book over to study!

Hmm... There's the irritating serveat lady, damn irritating. U can ask me if u want to noe abt her. N I'll tell u only if i feel like it. Haha...

Nothing much la... Didn't eat instant noodle today... YAY! Oh ya... Is nissin cup noodles sold in Singapore affected? Pls tell me NO! I mean, there's Laksa and Tom Yum flavour. I highly doubt it's made in Japan. Even if it's affected, dun tell me, only tell me if it's not affected. Cos I'm NOT, NEVER, REFUSE to dump my 2 precious Nissin cup noodles! Sigh... just what on earth is happening? Can't eat Julie's biscuit, no Khong Guan, suspicious milk products and now, NISSIN JAPAN cup noodles! Like, JAPAN?! Sigh... 50,000, it's no joke lor... >_< Damn, shld've brought Myojo over instead. Haha...

Oh ya, many of you would have noticed, I've a shoutbox. Do use it. Val helped me with it. Haha... She said that there's no fees required but a service charge of 50rmb, "very cheap". That's what she said la... Haha...

Ah! One more thing, walnut's in season now! They use it in their cakes and there's walnut pie. Woah! Super nice la! N they dun have pineapple here, I found out after they asked if I noe how to make Singapore Sling. Haha... Toking abt Singapore Sling, I drank it on my flight here. It induces sleep cos it kept me warm. Well, $300 more for SQ and the pouch they gave includes toothbrush and toothpaste and socks. The pouch says: Givenchy, for SIA, smthg like that... So ya... How branded can SIA get? Sigh... Gd nite!

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