Saturday, 18 October 2008


Kinda got back from work an hour ago. Knocked off at 2320hr yesterday. Nothing much, bathed, dried my hair, spread moisturiser all over, sleep (went to bed at 0000hr [record time!]). Haha... Yes, very boring. But work was fine last night. Actually, work's fine everyday. It's my shoe which I have a problem with. :s Over these few days, there's some event over at the grand ballroom and they are mostly elderly participants of Guangdong. Haha... So many of them are so surprised/amused that I could understand them and speak a little. Just a little. Heh.

Woke up at 6am this morning. Went to work, nothing much again. (Hmm... Val's been in the toilet for quite some time already... silence... Mabbe she dropped into the toilet bowl...??). Jeremy and partner will be coming over from Jinan at about 2100hr later. Then we'll go and climb the mountain behind our hotel and watch the sunrise. :> (Ok, she's showering now.) So, it's going to be a tiring day for me tomorrow and I'm already tired today. Oh well... I'm off tmr and mon's afternoon shift!

Hmm... I wanted to type about something else... But... I forgot! :s Humph... Alrite then... I shall stop here. Will continue if I rmb later! BBBBBYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Oh... Here's me in my uniform... Yes, I look tired, I noe that.
Last of all, It's my dearest Aunt's B'day tmr... Sigh... Can't celebrate with her. But still, Happy B'day! Love you lots and missing you lots too!

1 comment:

Val said...

hey, think i cannot see right??? haha... faster bath