Monday, 20 October 2008

It's our 2nd Monday here!

It's almost 2 weeks since we've arrived! Really did quite a no. of crazy things. Like yesterday was the craziest! Working afternoon shift later... But before that, gotta go for a briefing, at 3pm. Guess what the briefing's about? I bet I forgot to inform everyone... >_<

Here's what I'm lunching on... It's actually quite nice, Some Japanese Ramen flavour. Guess I can go n buy more of this and oreo! :>
Hmm... I think that's about it... Nothing much to blog about today. I will be working afternoon for the next 2 days too then mornings on thurs and fri. Finally, ta-dah! Off on Sat and Sun! Hoorah! I guess this week will fly pretty fast. Meanwhile, u all tc k? Going off... Bye!

--> Haha... this auntie just came to housekeep our room and asked if we always eat instant noodles cos she always see it when she cleans our room. N told me it's unhealthy... Hmm... I noe that too but... I can't cook and I'm oh, so lazy to go down to the staff canteen alone. I'll consider again when I get my 'fan kar' (rice card). :P

1 comment:

Val said...

ahhh.. oreo yes but cup noodles? i'm so sick of it already! =(