Monday, 10 November 2008

Thanks to all!

I really appreciate all of your kind words, cheering me on when I'm down. Gosh... I really really love all of you! My family and friends... As what Jean said, it's only when we are away from home, then only will we know how much more we had and eventually, appreciate and cherish it more. It's Val and my off day tmr! I'm definitely gonna sleep in, knowing what a piggy I am. But over the past few days, I haven't been sleeping comfortably 'cos it's really dry here. Once I lie down on bed, my nose will be blocked. So gotta breathe thro my mouth then my throat will be dry and I'll start coughing. Sigh...

I just checked the weather forecast on Yahoo! Weather... Guess what? It's freaking 3 degree celsius out there! N it's forecasted to rain/snow this Fri! AH!!! Not prepared! SO not prepared! >__< *Runs frantically around* I'm kinda excited tho... Hee hee...

Hmm... gotta go take my nap... I'll just load the pics I took over the week... enjoy!

Great... it's not loading... can't upload... will do it later tonight then! i can't wait! meeting Jie and Manda & Jean online tonite! Wahaha! N during dinner tonight, the Jap guy whom I mentioned, the one whom can speak English well, will be bringing 2 Jap colleagues over to the restaurant for dinner! haha.... He actually asked if I'm working tonight. He wants to intro them to me. So weird ah? But at least I have smthg to look forward to tonight. N not to forget, Val will be coming over for dinner! hoorah! What a wonderful Mon! Just hope everything will be just as nice the rest of the day! Or mabbe, rest of the attachment period! Hoorah! See u all tonight!


Mummy said...

So are u going to bring ANONEI san back to singapore for us??

Wen said...


Orion said...

fucking hell.... blogger keeps eating up my comments. ok... DO YOU WANT THE DISSIDIA LIMITED EDITION OST? i'm pre-ordering it from cdjapan

let me know asap. I'm back in sg, so u can text my singapore number or e-mail me. and i've tried calling u on the number joyce gave me, and sent a sms to it too, buttttttttttt idk.... the phone call didn't go through... Reply soon kk? :) <3~
