Saturday, 8 November 2008


Sigh... we kinda got 'kicked' out of our nice and cosy hotel room... Am in a windowless place now... Yes, windowless. I think it'll drive anyone crazy if one were to stay too long in a place like this. Ahem... There's hungry mosquitossss too.

Just webcam-ed with my darlings... Haha... Here's pics of my nephew! Cute lil' Kieran!

"Hi! I'm handsome Kieran"

"Hi! I'm cool boy, Kieran"
"Hi! I'm jumping Kieran"
(Lol... he was kinda jumping up and down... SO cute la!)

Sigh... Been really really tired, giving eng lesson or going for x'mas choir class in between my odd shift. So, I skipped today. Felt kinda bad but it was good rest. At least I'm feeling more awake as compared to yesterday. As I've said, I'm emo-ing. Sigh... I really really really am feeling homesick! It's really bad... Gor msged me while I was working just now and I felt like crying. 2 guests whom I served before asked if I felt home sick. I felt like crying. I saw the moon, thought of how it'll look like and who is looking at the moon too in Singapore, felt like crying. After web-caming just now, my aunt was saying bye to me and be 'guai', AGAIN, I felt like crying. And now, while typing all these, I feel like crying. Sigh...

BUT! This is the time I really really love Val! She's super strong la... I dun think she's cried before. Tho she's missing home as well now... but she cheers me up. "Qi si wo le" Haha... Thanks Val, I'm so so so thankful that u r here with me! <3 Haha... We'll be able to pull through this period together! Ganbatte! Eh... Korean's: Aja?

Kk... laptop batt's almost low... I shall stop here then... To all of you reading this, TC, I'll most prob see u latest, Mon nite? Cos I'm off on Tues! Hoorah! I SO can't wait... Last but not least, I miss YOU ALL!


Val said...

haha.. im not as strong as you think i'm la. just that i converted those unhappiness to naggings and complains and anger and 气话!! lol. im thankful to have u around as well.. we sure can get through this together =)

Mummy said...

To the both ladies there.. wen and val.. JIAYOU... this may be tough but will make u ladies stronger.. u will be able to make it. GAN-PA-TEY???

Val said...

hey, thank you so much! we will.. =)