Monday, 3 November 2008

ahhhhhh... 'D' shift!

I bet you all can't guess wat my title's abt! Sigh... I just found out yest. that I'll be working D shift starting today over the next 2 weeks. It means, 0630-1100hr and then, go back to work at 1730-2130hr! (Btw, I was working 1500-2300hr yest.) Yea, I'm dead tired now... Tho it may seem that I have a 6 and half hours break, it's not really the case COS, I have x'mas singing classes on Mon, Wed and Fri and for other days over this and next wk, I'm giving English training to my fellow colleagues. Singing classes' from 1530-1630hr and training's from 1500-1600hr. So, it also means that I don't get to FREAKING MISS work! AHhhh... BUT nvm, I can do this! I'm sure I'll be able to pull thro this! Just like how I endured climbing the humongous, full-of-steps mountain! For now, I shall look forward to Kieran's FIRST B'day! Hoorah! Sigh... So for these 2 wks, there's gonna be a lot less blogging. No much life in this kinda shift but this is life. Ain't it ironic?

Tired... SO tired... Btw, I met a guy from Moscow today. Gosh... His eyes... They were green. So light a green and so clear! Woah! Super nice la! Urgh... my throats's feeling... :s U noe, the kind of after effect from eating too salty? Yea... I just had the saltiest lamb soup I've ever tasted. The flavour's not too bad. Just that it's too salty AND there's no meat ONLY kidney, coagulated blood and smthg tat looks like intestine. Tried the first 2 but not the last... Nothing I shld mention about, just........... they can't be eaten. >_< So I'm down-ing a lot of water right now...

Hmm... nothing much to blog about, just hope Val will go down for dinner over the next 2 wks and not eat too much instant noodles. I know you are reading this Val. Haha... I hope to see you at the restaurant every night! Pls give me smthg to look forward to! N I hope that I won't be eating too much instant noodles too. Kind of easy, kind of hard. I'll see. Kk... gotta go prepare for the English training! U all tc and I'll most prob blog on Wed, which is my off day! :)

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

HELLO. i'm kinda working your 'D' shift too! Only a few days a week at the moment, but it's gonna be permanent come mid Dec! :(