Friday, 31 October 2008

It's Sat! Also my off day! Hoorah!

Wow... I've been blogging everyday... until now. Haha... Feeling a lil' lazy alr. Hmm... Didn't do much over the past few days, there's interesting customers but... Really lazy to type about it. Hmm... ok, mabbe just one.

There's a cute 'ang moh' this morning. Sigh... he was sitting at Area B but I was in charge of Area A. Hmm... What made me notice him was, he was wearing a pair of board shorts while I was freezing my ass of. Ok, it wasn't all that cold today but still... board shorts?! Haha... Anw, he had two shiny ear studs on both ears and a tattoo on one of his calf, a human face of some sorts. prettiness. Mabbe that's y he was wearing shorts? Oh, anway, after seeing him, I just thought of Nat instantly. Haha... Definitely her type. My colleague then told me that he's been around for quite some time already. Oh well... He left before I could catch another glimpse of him so I might not even recognise him again. Haha...

Hmm... Yingying and Meiqing's both at Suzhou alr! They are stying in the hotel too! Hoorah! Their room's like more spacious than our's la... Haha... BUT I'm not complaining! So happy for them tho... :) Finally, they are here in China-land after so much waiting!

Next, I shall tok abt our dinner and... umm... tea? Haha... we had 'guo qiao mian' (cross bridge noodle) Haha... it's really interesting. It's like a mini hotpot. but there's a step by step thing as to what you should add first, etc. Some of the ingredients are ham, veggie, preserved veggie, quail's egg, sliced meat, spring onions, chicken drumlet and of course, the noodle that's made with rice. It's really not bad but not all that filling. BUT, after having had super filling buffets over the past few nights, I guess it's fine. Btw, the 'Da Jie' at the dumpling station said I've lost weight... My colleague said that too... Sigh... Die! Cannot retain enough fats to hibernate during winter. >_<
Haha... After adding the ingredients into the hot soup....
Ta-Dah! Here's the cross bridge noodle! (过桥面)
Tsk tsk... Tea after dinner! Haha... Yes, That's my coffee!
(The bag on the right's egg roll. The bag on the left contains Sinagpore Mi Jiang Gao, smthg and red date cake?) They are really nice. All for just ard S$1-2?

Sigh... Dunno what's happening to me today... Or mabbe I shld say yest (Fri). I broke a spoon, scalded myself, hmm... what else? i can't rmb. I'm sure there's more. Oh, my captain told me that the x'mas choir lesson's cancelled but I heard, '今天有唱诗班' so I tot he was just reminding me so that I will leave at the right time since it's spring cleaning day today. After I left, telling another captain, I bumped into the HR guy and he told me that it's cancelled. Crap la... only then did I realise that my cpatain was trying to tell me '今天没有唱诗班'! Sigh... It's not the first time that I heard him wrongly alr la... How stupid can I get? Sigh... *shakes head*

Though it's val and my off day tmr, we've to go for x'mas choir class. Sigh... We originally wanted to go to Dai Temple. BUT! Seems like the plan needs to be rescheduled. :( Haha... My post's long again! I just have a bad habit not knowing how to start but once I start, I can just go on and on and on and on... like forever. Trust me, if I want, i can flood my own blog such that u will never wish to read it again. :)

Oh yes, Happy Belated Halloween to you all... When I was knocking off, I saw a chef trying hard to carve out a skull like face out of a small pumpkin while refering to a pirate like skull w.o a patch! Haha... So fun... Anw, It's Hello Kitty's B'day today! Hoorah! And Edith's tmr! One day after Hello Kitty... I'll always rmb... Wahaha...

Tuesday, 28 October 2008


Ah............ TIRED... Wanna sleep... :( Though I woke up at 11am... Ah... tmr morning shift! Oh well... After today, I'll be able to survive the week w/o instant noodle... Hoorah! Not that I mind eating it... That's y I'm making a lil' game out of it... 'See how long I can break my record of not eating instant noodle' game.

As I've mentioned, since I've finished my report, I shall blog about my Sunday. Hmm... after my breakfast, we were doing our report. Got tired and decided to go out at around 4pm. First, we left for Shen Zhou Da Sha to get my web cam. It's really cute and costs less than SGD20. I also got a MS card reader at around SGD3. It's not exactly cheap, the MS card reader, but no choice. I can't bluetooth things into my lappie only out of my lappie. Weird irritating shit.

We got hungry, yes, really early. (We're so used to their early meal hours!) So we went to 'Tu Da Li', Korean restaurant for our dinner. Here's what we ate. The big plate of veggie there's salty but tastes alright with rice. Somehow, the veggie with rice reminded me of home. :( Sigh...

Yes, that's the veggie. And the one beside it's the overcooked squid :s

Here's the Beancurd Kimchi Soup I ordered. (It isn't good. It's good only cos it's hot.)
Me with the tissue
(which you have to pay 1RMB when you use it. I only saw it after I used it.)
Val & I @ the Restaurant!

We walked along 'cai yuan jie' again. Did some window shopping and finally, opposite 'zhong bai shopping centre', we went into Metersbowne. Val bought a lovely white top (I love the button) and I bought a jacket at ard SGD55. It's really comfy. Will look crazy wearing it in S'pore tho but it's comfy! Sigh... but there goess the 300RMB which I just took out from my safe deposit box. We're really getting poorer by the day. :( AH!!! No more shopping till 2 wks later. :(

Yest, my F&B Manager who has always looked stern and serious came to me and ask what is 'ying jun' in English. I couldn't help it. BUT I just smiled and said 'handsome'. I tried to write on my palm, the spelling but he took out his lil' notebook (which everyone seems to have) and tried to write down as I enunciated each alpha to him. There was either some oral or aural problems he wrote 'm' when i said 'n' and somthg else when i sad 'd'. I decided to write instead. Haha... He was so cute... he just stared at the word and started to say the word. And had the look that says, 'at the back of his head, he's going to tell his wife just how handsome he is.' Wahaha...

Oh... this reminded me of something. There was a German couple last night. The guy was quite good looking and the lady had very nice facial features. Sharp. Anw, that wasn't it. They were standing in front of the "steamboat" plc where the raw veggies and others are displayed. You are suppose to pick what you want in your soup (Spicy or not). So I told them how it works. Then the guy pointed at something that's chocolatey-looking. He whispered to the lady, meant for me to hear I guess, cos if not, he wld've spoken German. "So you put chocolate in the soup and... chocolate soup?" HAHA! I didn't LOL... I replied, "No, no... That's not chocolate. It's pig's blood (I later found out that it'a goat's blood)." They stared at me. I repeated "Pig's blood" again, slower this time, "pig'ssss Blooood". The lady repeated after me, "blood, pig's blood" with a tinge of disgust in her eyes. The guy finally got it and said "pig's blood" and looked at the chocolatey-looking thing which was actually coagulated goat's blood. Oh well... It's China here. I dun mind eating tho. I mean, I've eaten before (Pig's blood). It just tastes like tofu... But my aunt told me it's not good cos of the special thing they use for the coagulation process.

Oh ya... I'm suppose to plan a English training schedule for them. Twice a week, around 30 mins per lesson? Gotta plan out then submit to my 'handsome' manager for approval. Haha... So I think I better get down to doing it now. Ah! One last thing. What's 香草 ice cream flavour? It's definitely Vanilla rite? I mean... IT IS VANILLA. IT'S SO not 'Herb' ice cream. And what's 'sweet daheon'? It's simply just yam, or taro. Sigh... Sigh... I really dunno what to say... (there's a story behind this...)

Alritey! Bye! 30mins more till I have to go prepare for work! >_< LOL, it's another long post and 'ding dong', the hsekeeper's here.

Here's the super long limo we saw while walking along 'cai yuan jie'

Monday, 27 October 2008

Yummy breakfast!

Eh... Kinda rushing for time... So I shall just blog on my big breakfast experiment today!

Haha... Was trying to find how long it takes to make hard boiled egg. In the end, Mich told me 7 mins. I had to pour water in THRICE cos it was still soft. But after the third time, it was STILL soft. Sigh... You can see here, the oh, so yummy egg yolk swimming amidst the whites.

There's only one word I can use to discribe the above pic: FAILURE
Oh well... I'm sure I can do better the next time. Though it may not look good, it tastes great!

Thanks to Val's delicious tomato and Jap Mayo to the rescue! Wahaha... Jap Mayo... Now, I wish I brought the big bottle one... It tastes great with JUST anything!

(don't u just see the halo above it?)
*ding* Jap Mayo, the Angel!
Muahaha... I'll blog about yesterday when I get back later at night. I've a test later... this is bad... Gotta go start preparing for work! Byee!

Sunday, 26 October 2008

So what if there's no Deepavali here? *Humph*

Hiya! Off for 2 days but seems like I nvr really did anything constructive. Woke up at ard 1130hr yest. Oh n guess wat? I lost my departure card! Freaking irritating! I was looking high and low for it... Tried looking every possible damn plcs but to no avail. :( My mentor said that she'll help me call the airport to ask about it. I really really hope that it'll be alright... I dun wanna go to jail! >_< (Haha...)

Was just slacking the whole first half of the day, waiting for Val's return, (to play with me). Went to have dinner then to Ginza's supermarket. We spent around 120RMB spending on all the what's not. Oh yes! I found the 'House' brand Japanese curry! But we dun have rice cooker to cook rice for it... So... Sigh... Afterwhich, we went in search for my water bottle. Finally found it and it was Tupperware brand! Haha... Guess what it's called in Chinese? Here's it: 特百惠 So weird rite? It's so not Tupperware! I bought it at 38RMB which is ard S$8. Like quite cheap ah?(Haha... Val's stomach keeps growling, she's munching on seaweed and her favourite 'wang wang' biscuit now.) You can see my bottle here... I was deciding on which colour to get. Blue or black. Guess what I got in the end? Hee... BLACK. Well, since it's translucent it's more like grey but it's black.
Just when we were almost, almost going back, I received a call from my mentor. ?! *gasp* She asked where we were, what time we are going back then asked us if want to go and sing karaoke now, with her and the GM at the hotel's karaoke lounge! ( She knew that we originally wanted to go today). Sigh... I asked Val, and she said 'anything'. So it's for me to decide. Thinking that it wasn't nice to reject the invitation, I said yes. I almost died!

So, we went. My first song, I sang Sammi's 'Try Again'. Sigh... how I wish Joyce was there. I love singing with her! Sang other songs, like 'Sleeping Child' by MLTR (they didn't have Paint My Love), 'Yan Lei Cheng Shi' by Sefanie Sun, etc. They were all great singers. The GM, the Directors, my mentor and of course, Val. (Yes, Val, I love your singing *cheers*) We really really felt like taking photos then but thought that it was quite inappropriate so we missed our chance. By the time I went to bed, it was 2am!?

Woke up at 0824hr today. Val was still soundly asleep so I decided not to wake her up. But she managed to wake up in time for us to catch breakfast, 10 mins to 9am. Today's breakfast is one of the happiest one I've had, not that I've had many breakfasts here but I left the restaurant feeling sated. I had cocoa pops and cornflakes with hot milk, bread with butter, bread with CHEESE, soya bean milk [it was tasteless so I added brown sugar, it wasn't bad after that but sigh, no sugar syrup... :( ] Had sushi as well, I love the vinegar and rice! Mm... So much calcium today la... Love it! been missing dairy products for so damn long alr la! Sigh... Milk... Meiji... Urgh... Can I have any, ANY meiji stuff? If anyone can bring it to me at this instance, I'll just love you to death! Sigh... N I just had to come across this THING yesterday while 'window/screen' shopping online.
Gotta go do my report now... Plus there's a test I think I mentioned before, tmr! Sigh... and X'mas choir tmr... Hmm... Wish me luck k?

Before I go off, here are some other pics I took today as well as the past weeks. Keep forgetting to upload. N since Edwin has requested more pics, I'll try as much as possible to add pics more often. :)
Pics of white lilies, taken at our hotel's very own flower shop
(Pretty pretty, Don, it reminded me of Kaori Yuki!)

Here's a pic of the 'jia bing' we ordered at the roadside. It's delicious!
(Can't eat often though)
The thing the spotlight's shining on's said to be 'ma la rou chuan' (麻辣肉串)
The Chinese soup I drink when I go down to the buffet restaurant for lunch/dinner
(It's pork rib soup base and varies with radish, winter melon (my fav.) & corn) Yum! ^_^
The things we saw at the supermarket yesterday:

They are mini pumpkins! So cute la!
Here's the extra gigantic Durian!
(I think that that's ONE seed. Btw, this is North of China, where do they get their Durians from? Isn't it like a tropical fruit?)
Btw, they dun smell of strong 'pungent' durian. :s
Last but not least, Ta-dah! Some worm-y stuff.
(there are 2 types.If I'm not wrong, one of them is cricket)
Dun you dare ask if we bought them! We didn't!
Tat's all... Byyyyeeeeeeeee! \(^_^)/

Saturday, 25 October 2008

My Five Factor Personality Profile

Oh yes... Forgot, Don wants me to post up my results on my '5 factor personality profile'. Here's it, lemme noe how true you all find it. :)


You have low extroversion.
You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.
A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.
You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have medium conscientiousness.
You're generally good at balancing work and play.
When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.
But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


You have high agreeableness.
You are easy to get along with, and you value harmony highly.
Helpful and generous, you are willing to compromise with almost anyone.
You give people the benefit of the doubt and don't mind giving someone a second chance.


You have medium neuroticism.
You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.
Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.
Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is medium.
You are generally broad minded when it come to new things.
But if something crosses a moral line, there's no way you'll approve of it.
You are suspicious of anything too wacky, though you do still consider creativity a virtue.

Guess what? Our dearest friend, Kalp, just asked "u in china for holiday?". Lol.

More convo. with her. She's damn cute la...

Friday, 24 October 2008

Met a Fellow Singaporean! ^_^

Yes, I met a Singaporean today! Actually, I met 3 BUT... Sigh... it's story telling time.

I was helping a gentleman and lady clear their table. Seems like they came for a biz conference. They were talking quite intensely, I could kinda tell, u know, this very distinct Singaporean English. After she mentioned DBS Bank, I gathered my courage and asked them, "May I know where you're from?". They ignored me, kinda, she just said, "yea, you can clear them" or some sort like that. I was like, forget it. Oh well... you know, not very friendly people so what for converse with them?

Then after some time, I moved to the table beside them, to clear their stuff. One guy was asking the guy opposite him, "was it MIDA from Singapore or something like that?". After I heard it, I was like, "are you all from Singapore?". The guy who spoke replied me, saying that he's from Singapore but not the other 3. He then asked me which part of Singapore? I was like, huh? What which part? ??? Haha... funny la... Then he finally got it, he asked, oh, you're Singaporean? O_0 Haha... I still dun really understand what he was trying to ask tho. He then asked what I was doing here, which school I'm from, how i find this city, etc. I was damn happy tho. Cos, I really never expected to meet Singaporeans here. So I ended with a "nice meeting you". >_< felt so at home for a minute... Hee...

Oh yes, this morning, I met another Jap old couple. I went to the old lady and cleared her tablewares. Then asked, "nihon-jin desuka?", the usual. :) She then replied, yes and asked if I am too. Haha... No, I do not speak good jap. It's just the old jap ladies' mindset. Then I told him that I'm not. Then she started talking a lot, I tried really hard to catch and what I could decipher from her speedy jap speech was, something like, asking me to study Jap hard, that it's impt./useful, continue to work hard, etc. While she was talking, she was patting my forearm. Very cute and motherly. Haha... And while the whole convo. took plc, the old man was just sitting on his seat, looking at the both of us with pleasant gentle eyes. So cute la... Sigh... I should have brought my Jap book over to study!

Hmm... There's the irritating serveat lady, damn irritating. U can ask me if u want to noe abt her. N I'll tell u only if i feel like it. Haha...

Nothing much la... Didn't eat instant noodle today... YAY! Oh ya... Is nissin cup noodles sold in Singapore affected? Pls tell me NO! I mean, there's Laksa and Tom Yum flavour. I highly doubt it's made in Japan. Even if it's affected, dun tell me, only tell me if it's not affected. Cos I'm NOT, NEVER, REFUSE to dump my 2 precious Nissin cup noodles! Sigh... just what on earth is happening? Can't eat Julie's biscuit, no Khong Guan, suspicious milk products and now, NISSIN JAPAN cup noodles! Like, JAPAN?! Sigh... 50,000, it's no joke lor... >_< Damn, shld've brought Myojo over instead. Haha...

Oh ya, many of you would have noticed, I've a shoutbox. Do use it. Val helped me with it. Haha... She said that there's no fees required but a service charge of 50rmb, "very cheap". That's what she said la... Haha...

Ah! One more thing, walnut's in season now! They use it in their cakes and there's walnut pie. Woah! Super nice la! N they dun have pineapple here, I found out after they asked if I noe how to make Singapore Sling. Haha... Toking abt Singapore Sling, I drank it on my flight here. It induces sleep cos it kept me warm. Well, $300 more for SQ and the pouch they gave includes toothbrush and toothpaste and socks. The pouch says: Givenchy, for SIA, smthg like that... So ya... How branded can SIA get? Sigh... Gd nite!

Thursday, 23 October 2008

One more morning shift...!

Yea! Tmr's the last shift work. ..........for the week. Hoorah!

Anw, this morning's breakfast was quite fun... Met a lot of foreigners. American, German, Japanese and some other s whom I didn't talk to. Sigh... Somehow, it seems like Val and I are the only 2 Singaporean in this city. Ok, back to the back topic -- fun. It's funny how all the conversation goes. First, the American from LA. I asked where he was from. Then, he replied, "Los Angeles and you? China?" T_T" of course, I didn't show that face... I replied that I'm from Singapore, here for an internship, etc. Told him how much I like this place, the mountains and all, 'cos you don't see it in Singapore (Bukit Timah HILL?). Then he replied, "yea, it's along the coastline, etc." Inside, I was thinking, "coastline? It's like an island!" Oh well, I didn't bother explaining. He then asked what's Singapore's native language and I told him English. He told me that he never knew. Well, he gained one knowledge from me for the day. :)

Next, a German lady. I told her that Singapore's smaller than Tai'an city. She didn't believe it. Haha... So I asked her to wiki it. Haha... She then asked if I've climbed the mountain behind us. I told her about our LITTLE adventure. She decided to take a cable car or bus up. Good move!

I'll skip the other Germans. Last but not least, the three cute Japs. I offered the lady a straw 'cos she hadn't taken one for her yoghurt. Tho she didn't speak, from her body language, you can just tell it's the oh, so polite jap-like "language". So I asked, "nihon-jin desuka?". She smiled and replied, "hai". Then she went on to ask if I'm a Jap too. Haha... Of course, I replied that I'm a Singaporean. Hmm... I look like a China girl, Japanese girl... What else? Anyway, almost straight after she left, an old man came to me to ask me how to eat the fresh date and longan. They were SO VERY cute. The fresh date, I told him, "hai, tabemasu". But there's seed and I didn't want him to choke and yet, I didn't know how to say "seed" in jap. So I tried my very best and told him, "kore, chioto, eto... ringo desu". What I was trying to say was, "it's a little like, eh... apple". i think he took me as, it's a mini apple? Oh well, I did my job, they didn't choke. Next, the longan. I didn't noe how to say "peel" in jap. So I took the longan from him and started peeling. If only I could've captured his reaction to my peeling. He was so... Surprised. Haha... Cute guy there. :) When I went to clear their plates, they were pointing at the seeds, telling me that it was delicious and thank you. Haha...

Val will only be back in 3 hours' time. Sigh... What should I eat? Not very hungry actually. Oh well, I guess I'll just have cup noodles. Anw, I'm going to the restaurant tmr so... yea, not so bad I guess. haven't really been eating cup noodles. Need to go and buy eggs soon so that we can have a more nutritious cup noodle. Anw, cup noodles here's called 'fang bian mian' (方便面). Listening to Maroon 5 now... Sigh... love them... makes me feel at home! "That someday it would lead me back to you. That someday it will lead me back to you... " *sings*

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Food here...

Well, I shall intro u all to the food I eat here. I think I've mentioned that it's salty... but it isn't so... not exactly. On the meter gauge of saltiness, 0 to 10, it can be like 0 or 10, mostly. I haven't got a chance to take a pic of how my canteen food looks. But they usually consists of pickles (super salty), vegetables with meat, vegetables (can be found in EVERY meal), rice (they have yummy rice), 'man tou' and porridge (congee, 'xiao mi zhou', etc. [which is just... blend]). Yea, tat's abt it. No water to go with... So my intake of water here's actually quite low... (Not gd!)

I've dined at KFC, which I mentioned, wasn't very nice. A local fast food chain, Dico's, like mos burger and it's not bad. TODAY, we had lunch at McDonald's! Well, it wasn't fantastic but that's the one and only Mac's we have here in this city which is slightly bigger than S'pore. N along Orchard alone, we already have like, what? at least 5 Mac's? Sigh... Here's a pic of our lunch...

Yea, we ordered McSpicy and it is indeed Spicy. A tad spicier than the one in S'pore. But... It's not as good 'cos it's not juicy AT ALL! Sigh... Well, the fries are good though. EVEN w/o chili. *grumbles* the fast food here dun provide chili! Can u imagine?! Sigh...

Here's another pic of what I ate the first few days when we got here. Our mentor treated us. It's some 'xiang cai bing' (fragrant vegetable wrap). It's really fragrant... not too bad, but the smell's a lil' ...acquired to my liking.

Sigh... after this post, I'll only be online after... 4pm tmr? Sigh... can't wait man! Oh yes, I had a bad bad nightmare this morning! I was caught eating by the AGM while I was working! I was trying SO hard to swallow, u noe, to destroy evidence (hee hee). But I cldn't. In the end I just kept apologising la... It was bad. Super bad. Not like it'll ever happen. But the dream scares me. >_<

Yesterday, while I was online with Jie and she told me that she went to have some claypot fish head at Chinatown... Then dessert at my favourite dessert plc! Sigh... Sesame paste, Peanut paste, Almond paste... w/ Aboling! WAHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! N guess what Joyce emailed me?! Sigh................................

She finished it! :'(
(See the other bowl? Hmm... wonder which BF she went to eat with. heh heh)

Last but not least, to Mrs Raikonen, I didn't get to go to Shanghai to watch the race. But congrats! Kimi got 3rd! Haha... Lewis Hamilton's like on the front page of the local newspaper "China Daily". U an see it here:

Haha... tat's abt it for today! The hsekeeper's here! Byyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Hey there!

1 more week till the submission of our next report! N I haven't even started! Oh well, at least I'm off this Sat & Sun. :) Hopefully Val can be off this weekend too then we can go KTV!

Went to the restaurant to have lunch today. Very full now... feel like sleeping la... Haha... But in ard 30 mins' time, gotta go prepare for work alr. Oh... Guess wat? There's smthg on my lil' toe... it's a lil' swollen. Hurts like mad la! Shall show u... just took pic of it.

OUCH! >_<
Hmm... I actually had some more things to upload but stupid, stupid msn's server thingy's down... So... another time I guess... Tonight's gonna be a busy one for me. Cos there's an event and we're expecting ard 190 guests to dine in. Ah! Well, I guess it's better than having lil' guests so I'm not really complaining (only my feet are).

Oh ya... yest, there was a German who was dining at ard 9+ till 10+. After I offered to clear his plate for him, he asked for coffee. U shld've seen his face. He was trying to enunciate clearly "co-ffee". Guess i blend in too well in that uniform and bun... so he tried to make it so that I can understand better. Haha... After I showed that I understood (of course) he relaxed and told me that he wanted his coffee black. Oh, n I told him that there'll be extra charges, n he said "ya, sure". Seriously, the Weterners can be really easy to serve at times (many times)!

Guess I shall just end here for now... Sigh... tired... so sleepy... :S

Monday, 20 October 2008

It's our 2nd Monday here!

It's almost 2 weeks since we've arrived! Really did quite a no. of crazy things. Like yesterday was the craziest! Working afternoon shift later... But before that, gotta go for a briefing, at 3pm. Guess what the briefing's about? I bet I forgot to inform everyone... >_<

Here's what I'm lunching on... It's actually quite nice, Some Japanese Ramen flavour. Guess I can go n buy more of this and oreo! :>
Hmm... I think that's about it... Nothing much to blog about today. I will be working afternoon for the next 2 days too then mornings on thurs and fri. Finally, ta-dah! Off on Sat and Sun! Hoorah! I guess this week will fly pretty fast. Meanwhile, u all tc k? Going off... Bye!

--> Haha... this auntie just came to housekeep our room and asked if we always eat instant noodles cos she always see it when she cleans our room. N told me it's unhealthy... Hmm... I noe that too but... I can't cook and I'm oh, so lazy to go down to the staff canteen alone. I'll consider again when I get my 'fan kar' (rice card). :P

Sunday, 19 October 2008

A Crazzy Crazy Sunday!

Yes, yes, it's been a totally crazy Sunday for me (& of course, Val too). Nothing beats this -- Climbing Mt. Taishan (This was what I forgot in my previous post). It's totally and utterly tiring! We went to the train station to pick Jeremy & Hui Er up at ard 9.30pm and set off to 'Tian Wai Chun', hoping that we could take a bus up to the mid mountain, 'Zhong Tian Men'. But guess wat? The buses only starts their service at 12+, 1am! SO, we decided not to wait and headed to 'Hong Men' (Red Gate), and that also means that we'll be climbing from the very foot of the mountain! !!!

Alrite, we started climbing at 11pm due to some delays at the tix counter. 'Cos Val & I didn't bring our student card, there were some complications. But we started so ya. From bottom to 'Zhong Tian Men', we took about 1 and a half, 2hrs. We were already tired then but the worst have yet to come. We climbed and climbed, stop n rested, clmbed and felt like crying, stopped and felt like resting there forever, climbed and felt like my legs will give way anytime...

It was hell... But hell of an achievement as well. It was a job well done for all of us. Jeremy was our motivator. Hui Er was our photographer. They were both great to have. W/o them, I doubt Val n I will ever be able to make it all the way up n down and achieve what we have achieved.

After we came back to the hotel, I bathed and rested a while in bed. A call from home, a call which I've been waiting for since the day I've arrived. Was so glad to hear from all of them, even Jaela, tho I only heard her say "I Don't want" (to talk to her Ah Yi) at the background. :( She only wants to webcam with me, 'cos according to her, it's more fun. Oh well. At around 11.30am, we went down to Four Seasons to eat buffett (we treated them to welcome them here). At arond 12+, we made our way to the train stn only to find out that the tix fo the day was sold out. They took a bus back in the end.

We went back to our room n slept at 2, woke up not too long ago, at 9pm, mainly 'cos I received a call from my Gu Jie. After that, I went to wash up n here I am. Oh, guess what our dinner was?

I had campbell soup with pasta and Val had Milo
(The Oreo tastes surprisingly nicer here)
What I feel now is, tired. Really tired. My legs aren't really aching YET. It's so sore that the muscles are still tight. But when tmr comes, we die. >_< style="text-align: center;">Val & I at 'Zhong Tian Men', resting to the fullest (almost)

The Sun Viewing Platform, look at the Crazy amount of people
(n tat's not just it!)
The pic we took while waiting patientlt waiting for sunrise
(The sunrise that never happened, we were freezing like mad!)
This is the legendary "deadly steps" of the mountain! (Hoorah!)
N this is the last flight of stairs of the 'Shi Ba Pan' (It's crazy!)
Below are the pretty scenaries...

(Spot the Sun!)
(Spot the moon!)

Saturday, 18 October 2008


Kinda got back from work an hour ago. Knocked off at 2320hr yesterday. Nothing much, bathed, dried my hair, spread moisturiser all over, sleep (went to bed at 0000hr [record time!]). Haha... Yes, very boring. But work was fine last night. Actually, work's fine everyday. It's my shoe which I have a problem with. :s Over these few days, there's some event over at the grand ballroom and they are mostly elderly participants of Guangdong. Haha... So many of them are so surprised/amused that I could understand them and speak a little. Just a little. Heh.

Woke up at 6am this morning. Went to work, nothing much again. (Hmm... Val's been in the toilet for quite some time already... silence... Mabbe she dropped into the toilet bowl...??). Jeremy and partner will be coming over from Jinan at about 2100hr later. Then we'll go and climb the mountain behind our hotel and watch the sunrise. :> (Ok, she's showering now.) So, it's going to be a tiring day for me tomorrow and I'm already tired today. Oh well... I'm off tmr and mon's afternoon shift!

Hmm... I wanted to type about something else... But... I forgot! :s Humph... Alrite then... I shall stop here. Will continue if I rmb later! BBBBBYyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Oh... Here's me in my uniform... Yes, I look tired, I noe that.
Last of all, It's my dearest Aunt's B'day tmr... Sigh... Can't celebrate with her. But still, Happy B'day! Love you lots and missing you lots too!

Friday, 17 October 2008

I think my body clock won...

Haha... I kinda couldn't sleep the whole night. Woke up a dozen times. I don't think I ever fell into a deep sleep at all. Plus, at around 9.30am just now, the housekeeping person came. She knocked and called out, then came in. I stirred awake to the opening door and shocked the housekeeping lady... Haha... never my intention but I found it quite embarrassed just now.

So... I'm here online now, blogging, hoping that time wouldn't pass too fast! Sigh... Am thinking of what I should eat actually. I kinda had a slight gastric yesterday so I better eat something before it comes again. Sigh x 2.

Oh yes, while I was really bored yesterday, I made a picture of Kieran with the help of Here's it. Isn't it nice?
Oh yes... I can't remember if I've ever mentioned before but when the people here saw my photo in my resume, they thought that I actually look like Stefanie Sun. So over here, inside them, they kinda think that, "oh, so you are the one who looks like Stefanie Sun." Yea... it's not like they are the first to say but... Gosh... Do I look like SO many people? No, I dun think so. I'm me. Just me. :) It was really quite embarrassing especially there was once when I got introduced to the FO manager and he asked me, "so you are the one which looks like Stefanie Sun?" What I replied was, "I think so." Sigh... Dunno what else to blog... So I guess I'll just end here!

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Orientation Day - 2

Well, it's just as my title suggests, it's orientation day 2 today. Well, nothing much, just that during the 'training', we went through the hotel's cultural knowledge, situation analysis and English lesson. It wasn't really a lesson, just went through some important 'need to know' words and phrases. And don't be surprised, their English are really not bad! However, I realised that their English language's more to the American English side. We also met quite a few people (as in, talked to them today). One of them's really pretty! Hee... will take a pic of her if I get a chance when I see her at the reservations department. Btw, her name's Zhang Ji Wa. Pretty lady, very air stewardess look. Oh ya... I'll be having a test on 27 October mainly on the hotel's products and English. N yes, the test will be in Chinese characters. >_<>_< Hee... I know, I know, a lot of junk food. But I need them. Ok, we need them! Oh... see the box of sugar? It's for my tea! (which I'm drinking now) Sigh... I want my Milkmaid condensed milk... Or my Meiji milk! Sigh... talking about Meiji... Sigh... I want my Fran, Banana Chocolate, etc. Great... N I still have so much of it in my cupboard and fridge. Should've just brought them all!

Val just went to bed. She gotta report to work at 0650hr tmr. I'm working afternoon shift tmr. N tat's like 1430hr to 2300hr. Sigh... It's spring cleaning tmr. So I think it'll be a lil' more tiring tmr. Hmm... You Weng Gor's leaving for KL tmr... Have fun & bon voyage! So from tmr on, there will only be 2 people home. Sigh. N it's mum's b'day on Sunday! Well, at least jie will be home with the 2 lil' darlings to celebrate with her. :)

Lol... It's been one long post again. Tho as usual, I have a lot more to type, I shall just end here. Tc everyone... I think I'll most probably be MIA tmr so ya... It's either I wake up late or wake up early to blog. I wonder which will win? Me wanting to sleep in vs. my body clock... Hmm... Listening to L'Arc en Ciel now... Sigh... they are as good to listen as always! Songs to relax to. >_<

Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Wednesday, 15/10

Orientation – Day 1

Today’s orientation… Had a more than 2 hrs break so we went back to the hotel room for lunch. N, u guessed it, Instant noodles! Yay! Haha…Yay... Mine's the 'can be found in Singapore' brand (right side)!

Nothing much happened during the first half. Just did some brief intro of the hotel, mgmt team, etc. Then we went to walk around the hotel again. Sigh… the hotel’s huge and will always be, for me. It’s a wonder how those places connects and end up side by side. There are 5 meeting rooms, ball rooms, etc. Their names are so confusing! Urgh! But the people attending today’s orientation were new, just like us, n they were from many different dept. so it’s good to know them. BUT… The fire prevention/ precaution training was really emotionally tiring. One, it’s all in Chinese. Two, we couldn’t really catch what was said so we kinda blanked off at some parts. Well, people did fall asleep. It was weird ‘cos you could just feel the tiredness emitting from us all. Well, day 1’s over… So… yay!

Yesterday –

We really went on a shopping spree yesterday after lunch. To our surprise, we really walked a lot n got some really good buys! We lunched at the hotel’s restaurant yesterday and there was this chocolate cake which was… Ooooooooooooo… superb! Small it may be, it was good and satisfying (I’m quite sure I could finish all… perhaps I can eat them all tonight if they have it) Hee… As u can see below, it’s the one above. The bottom one’s blueberry cheesecake.

Ok, back to shopping. We went to Ginza, as I’ve mentioned, but there wasn’t much to last the many hours we had to spare. And so, we decided to roam around randomly. We were headed to nowhere but still managed to buy quite a number of stuff on our way. The street where we roamed around, which we found out, was called ‘cai yuan’ road. Quite a nice place to wonder about J We ended up at another popular shopping spot which is called ‘zhong bai bai huo gong si’. I saw this really nice cardigan. When I first saw it from afar, I told Val, “wait!”. Walked towards it, tried to check the price, thought about how much it is, stared at it again, asked Val for her opinion, stared at it yet again, then finally listened to Val – I went to try it on. Ta-dah! I tried the black one, the green one, the grey one then looked at the purple one AND I finally decided on the BLACK one (of course).

This is the one! (Sorry, forgot to rotate)

Oh… N before that, we went to this fast food restaurant called ‘Disco’s’. It’s not bad… except that they dun have chili sauce, only chili powder. :s Mine the one wrapped in the paper-ish thingy. It’s some double pepper rice burger. Very similar to our Mos Burger but the rice here’s nicer. Gosh… Mos Burger! I want my Teriyaki Chicken Burger w/o Onions, Fish Burger w/o onions, Yakiniku Rice Burger, Shrimp Cutlet Burger, Iced Milk Tea with 3 milks, Corn Soup, complete with their fat fries and Japanese mayo! Wah! >_<

Lastly, Happy B'day to Wai Wah and my dearest Brother! Sorry Gor, it's my 2nd time not being able to celebrate your B'day with you. But no matter what, still, I hope you'll have a wonderful one without me... Miss you much! :)