Saturday, 29 November 2008

Singapore Singapore Singapore...

Haha... Just a random post about how much I love S'pore after staying here for almost 2 months here. Although Singapore is small, smaller then this city, there's so much more. It's like a 3-in-1 packet of coffee, except that Singapore is a million and 1-in-1 type.

At least there's all kinds of food there from all over the world, there's a lot more non-smoking areas, the place is so much cleaner and last but not least, that's where I grew up and my family and friends are at. After coming here, I really feel that I'm lucky to be a Singaporean. Haha... sound so patriotic suddenly.

Haha... Manda showed me these articles...
S'pore 4th best to invest in despite the bad economy now & S'pore being ranked the 16th most ex shopping plc in the world!:

Hmm... Gor and Ah Ma are at Genting now... so lucky. It's been like how long since I've been there... Y r pple traveling now when I'm here? I wanna go too! Sigh...

Anw, my dearest Jaela's going for her eye operation on Monday! Wishing her all the best and that there'll be fast recovery! Ganbatte Jaela! I'll hear about it during my break on Monday! Haha... talking about this pair of brother and sister, my aunt told me that Jaela wants to stand up peeing like her didi AND, Kieran wants to sit down and pee like his jiejie... Sigh... I wonder if I should even be laughing... LOL!

Anw, I'm getting by now... Cos I'm looking at it from a more positive point of view! I'm looking more forward to work now 'cos with everyday gone, it also means that I'm another day closer to home! Hoorah! I'm counting down the days to Dec 15 cos 1) it's pay day! 2) i'm going to housekeeping, 3) it's almost x'mas, 4) it's almost 2009!, 5) I dunno... but december sounds fun to me. :) mabbe it's cos i've been having too much sch hols so it feels very holiday like...

Kk... I gotta go n prepare for work! Love you all! Tc! *hugs* Oh ya... I've been dreaming so much about myself being back in S'pore... Dreaming too much can be really tiring. *Whew*

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Trip to Jinan...

Woke up at around 7.15am today... *yawns* had breakfast and left for the train station. We arrived the station at 8.53am only to find that there were no more train tix. So, Audrey thought that we should take a bus. N so, we did. It was quite an enjoyable trip. Managed to see quite some scenery but we got tired along the second half of the journey and fell asleep for a little.

Arrived at the place......... It was SO cold! Windy... Haha... Our first stop, 'bao tu quan'........ (We took a bus there, wat an experience) It's a place where the 'pond's' filled with water oozing out from under the soil. Natural spring water of some sorts. A pretty place but not worth the 40RMB for entrance. I'll do a more detailed intro with the photos later.

We then walked past Jinan's 'shi zheng fu' where there's a shopping place at the basement (there's an aweful story about it). Stopped for a little at Crowne Plaza n Huier showed us ard level 1. It's a really nice and upscale hotel. :) Would have loved to see more of it but had to rush of for lunch 'cos Audrey's friend was waiting for us.

(wrote the above part yesterday. Shall continue today...)

We went to some forgot-wat's-the name to shop. Really a lot of stuff... but the company wasn't shopping friendly SO we didn't buy much. In fact we bought only a couple of things. :( The Wal-Mart's like China Wal-Mart. Sigh... we were seriously expecting more imported brands but it's just like any supermarkets we have here. Disappointing. Sigh...

I bought a pouch & redoxon. Think tat's abt it... It was a tiring trip tho... Slept in the bus on the way there and on the way back. It was already dark when we were leaving Jinan at ard 5.30... after i woke up due to the bumby road, I looked out of the window n saw many stars..... sigh... long journey, cold, dark enough to see so many stars... it made me think of my journeys to m'sia with my dad n bro... Sigh...

With that, I shall end here with photos... nothing much to blog abt the Jinan trip anw. So here u go!

Jinan's 'bao tu quan' east gate
(Val, Me and Huier... Dun we all look fair? Lol)

Val & I beside the tree of friendship!

Audrey, Val, stone, me and Huier

Taking photos with the bald trees which looks so fake that it looks clean and smooth

Some emperor wrote it
(Noting that they've been here)

Nice background... not anything significant

The very clear spring water...Here's a photo of 'our shadows' taking photo of the names of the springs here
(listed are 72 of the more popular springs)

Their 'guang chang' it marks the center of Jinan

I love this pic! Pretty city of Jinan!

Lobby of Guihe Crowne Plaza Hotel

It's kind of like a food street. Really nice...

I love the old buildings...

The 'restaurant' we went for lunch...

my lunch, 'hong shao niu rou' claypot n soup tat's a bit like 'mi hun kueh'

Bye bye, in the bus leaving Jinan

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Tired, yet again...

Dunno y.. am feeling very sleepy and bloated with air in my tummy... u noe, the kind where u feel like puking but it's actually just too much air inside?

Hmm... yesterday was my first day at the Chinese restaurant. Yet again, pple started asking the same old qns... how big's s'pore, is s'pore nicer or here? where are u staying? how much is ur pay? u like us? can u understand us? when did u learn Mandarin? So in which year are you at ur university? How old are you? How much is ur air tix? Did u pay for it? Where do u wash ur clothes? Is S'pore cold? Etc. Etc. Etc. I kinda alr have the script for all my replies alr... and i tell them everything and anything...

Hmm... I'm working at the Chinese restaurant's 'lobby' now. So I'm not going t serve in the room. Whew? I wonder... Anw, there's lots of dining etiquettes here tat's really differen from Singapore! One, they smoke like chain smokers. And according to local rule, u have to change the ashtray if there's 3 butts in the tray. N u dun just change it like tat. u take 2 ashtrays, use one to cover the dirty one, remove them together and replace it with the other one. Well... not like S'pore allows pple to smoke in the restaurant... Thank god... I'm loving S'pore more! N, they drink beers like alcoholics. Well, in S'pore, they do drink but usually one or 2 bottle... But over here, 3 person can drink over 10 bottles. the thing is, u keep opening until they ask u to stop. In S'pore, you open only when they ask u to.

Anw, I met our NP senior yest. The way he speaks... I was like... "cannot cannot, he's definitely S'porean, must ask him." So I asked and he replied, "yes... are you?". Well, he asked "are you" as if he didn't mean to ask cos he highly doubt that i'm S'porean. (I dun blame him, really. U'll doubt it when u see me in my new uniform. I really blend in!) I replied yes, etc, from NP and he told me that he was from there a long long time ago. Glad to have met yet another S'porean. :) He doesn't look THAT old btw. Prob. just 27ish?

Hmm... I'm off on Thurs. my supervisor say I can off anytime I want as long as they are not short handed. Finally, Val & I can plan our schedules together! So, I took off on Thurs cos Val said she wants to make a trip to Jinan! Hoorah! Shopping! Sigh... I noe i noe, I'm broke... Tat's y i'm trying to decide whether to withdraw or go to the bank to change money. HMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..............??? I'll think abt it.

Btw, my timing for Chinese restaurant goes like this: report at 0950hr (0850hr on Fridays) - 1330hr then report back to work at 1650hr - 2030hr (or even 2130hr depending on crowd).

Yea, so now, u noe when to contact me... Hmm... Val's back early and gg out with her colleagues... I'm so green with envy... Oh wel... 3 weeks 3 WEEKS!

Btw, don called me yesterday... I think we toked for 1 hr 30 mins. ard there... Super long... But also very glad to hear from her... On Sunday morning, ard 1am, was toking to Edwin & vincent... haha... toked for I think an hr plus too... Nice catching up. :) Sigh... Btw, I dreamt that I was home... Sigh... the feeling... so warm and cosy and oh, so familiar! Haha... I think I haven't blogged for quite some time alr... cos have been rather busy with interim report. At least for now can take a lil' break before starting on the next report. Sigh... I miss my colleagues at the western restaurant too! Sigh... No photos for now... feeling really lazy... :P byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, 23 November 2008


I'm off today... going to the Chinese restaurant on Mon! Which is tmr... Everyone says that it is tiring... Sigh... Gotta go n change my uniform tomorrow. Other than that I guess I'll most probably be spending my time on the interim. Gotta finish off eveything by tmr! Kyah! I just talked over the phone with edwin & Vincent. Seems like they are doing quite well. On their way to DINNER now cos they missed the dinner time at the staff canteen.

Just when I'm starting Chinese Restaurant on Mon, gor's also starting his exams on Mon so ALL THE BEST GOR! You can do it! Eh... ok la... It's late & Val's sleeping I shall go to bed so I won't disturb her. Night!

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Fighting with...

Haha... I just had a lil' duel with a tiny cockroach looking thing. To kill or not to kill? I killed it in the end... Haha... Wow... how brave of me? Not that I had a choice. Val's asleep n i needed the toilet. I think it took me 15 minutes from trying to decide to kill it to killing and disposing it. Haha... i used their yellow pages to kill it. It just stuck there and I didn't want to risk seeing the feelers move so i looked away, grabbed a scissors and cut the page away. Oh no! What am I to tell the hsekeeping da jie tmr? >_< anw, it's a 2007/2008 issue. it's gonna be outdated soon.

My nose is blocked and at the same time, running like a tap. Oh gosh... it feels like crap! Oh well, I'm sure I'll feel better soon. Just common flu, sore throat & cough. Tmr's kind of like a big day 'cos it's the hotel's lighting ceremony! N yes, after weeks and weeks of practice, tmr's one of the big days! We'll take a pic of ourselves in the pyjamas looking costume probably tmr. I hope my throat and nose won't give me any trouble tmr! Imagine holding a tissue while singing??? Btw, the costume's really thin! I so think that it'll make me sick-er!

I made an error at the restaurant just now! Sigh... I told this UK guy that the sirloin he ordered is imported. Sigh... u noe, translation. It was suppose to be --> the local sirloin's out of stocks so they'll use the imported one which is of a higher price! Sigh... In the end, my captain told me that he can remove the service charge. So I went to him, apologised to him, n told him abt the removal of the service charge. He looked at how much the service charge was, then told me not to worry, he doesn't want to remove the service charge. I guess he didn't want to get me into trouble cos they knew that I was new, and am from S'pore. So... I'm lucky to have met them. He ended the convo. with, "we all learn". Thanks Mr. Nice Guy! Sigh... But today just wasn't really my day. I've been feeling kinda groggy all day... I SO hope it won't happen tmr cos there's gonna be many VIPs dining in after the lighting ceremony! >_<

Sigh... at this rate, i doubt i can complete my interim report in time! AHhhh!!!! Sigh... Btw, we'll be here for an additional week. So now, our attachment's from 22 to 23 wks. Well, not that I mind. Since I'm already here, what's another week? Though Steph, I may not be able to come back in time for your 22nd... :(

Last but not least, the hotel just distributed daily neccessities to their employees. It's called "发福利". There's a lux soap bar, a shampoo, a hand cream, toilet papers and washing powder. I seriously dun think we need them... At least, not so much. I'll take a photo of them and post it up tmr (if i'm feeling better). For now, I shall go to bed... really really drowsy tho the last time I took my med was ard 1.30pm. Nite! (Hmm... I wonder wat time I'll wake up later... )

Tuesday, 18 November 2008


Am suppose to be working on the interim report but I really have got no idea what to write about! I'm so sleepy and cold... Think I'm falling sick. This is bad. So bad! AHHH!

Anw, It's Edwin's B'day today! Happy B'day!

I had a super nice dream today... Dreamt that my aunt came over w/o informing me... Sigh... So nice to have her around. The dream's setting was such that our room was old and bed was rundown. But after she came with all her pots and pans and culinary skills, everything's just perfect! Sigh... I really miss her! I guess it's really true that when u fall sick during winter, u think of home.

Oh... it snowed today! This morning while I was fast asleep. Val msged me then my colleague told me about it too. The temperature is officially going down down and under zero! The snow was just a light one... It was super sunny after that. It still is... N I'm glad. The pple here are really nice, asking me to wear more, telling me what to get and the price range, etc. Sigh... I'm so not ready to leave this restaurant for Chinese restarant!

Oh well... I'm still doing fine, besides the fact that Val and I are quite broke. I guess we'll survive. :) Gotta go prepare for work! Tata~!

Monday, 17 November 2008


Wishing both Bernard & Tania a very Happy B'day! Sigh... N Don's trying to create a b'day email invitation now which I can never attend and will be here freezing my ass off. Sigh... That goes without saying, Fran's b'day too!

Anw, I mentioned that I wanted to blog about Sat's fruitful trip yesterday but I got tired so here's it. Woke up at around 8.30am to have Mac's breakfast. Hmm... For 20RMB, there's only 2 hotcakes with 1 sausage. Isn't it 3 normally? Anw, it wasn't good. The butter wasn't nice. The pancake wasn't hot. The pancake was oily. N the pancake wasn't fully cooked so it's kind of 'nua' inside. Sigh... I miss S'pore's hotcakes now.

Afterwhich, we went shopping. Bought a scarf, meiji 28 blocks dark choc! Hmm... wat else? Can't think but yea... did some shopping for a down jacket and finally found one that I like. It's ex tho. :( Sigh... After walking here and there, there and here, we rushed back to the hotel for the X'mas class. It wasn't all that bad. At least I was awake... ('Cos on Fri, i attended the class straight after my nap and my GM & Asst. Exec. Mgr. kept asking me to smile... Sigh... How was I to smile when I was so dead tired working 5 days of continuous 'D' shift? I tried but my mouth kept twitching :s). Yea, afterwhich, we went to our RO and talked over issues like the dept. schedules and learning contents. Oh, n we're getting our pay today! Wee~!

At around 5.45pm, we went to the buffet restaurant to have dinner (it was alr full dark btw). I really ate a lot... the cakes... ah~! Heh... Left the hotel at around 6.50pm? then went to the KTV nearby. paid 64RMB for 2 hrs and extended for another half an hour. Haha... The other rooms were really high but with only the 2 of us, it's really quite hard to be high. At around 9.38pm, just went I wanted to sing 'How Could An Angel Break My Heart', they stopped the thing. Irritating... Oh well... we returned to the hotel soon after. Since I had to wake up at 5.30am the following day, I went to bed almost immediately after bathing and washing up.

Yea, so that was our Saturday. :) n here are the photos:

My Hotcakes and Val's oily sausage McMuffin
(I forgot to mention the ugly looking hotcakes too & Val's Muffin edge was 'chao tar')

Val & I in the KTV room...

...yes, it's huge considering that there's only 2 of us.
(They ran out of small rooms)
Here's the selection screen & TV
(Playing on the TV's Sammi's 808 :))

Just one more thing... This is wat the bakery dept. in my current kitchen made...

It's made with biscuits, honey, preservatives and many others...
(lazy to rotate so pls tilt ur head to the left)

My favourite Santa amongst the many...
That's all folks! :)

Sunday, 16 November 2008

Tmr's my off day (no full stop) --> BUT...

Sigh.......... YES, tmr's my day off... BUT, we have x'mas choir rehearsal from 3.30 to 7pm!?
AH!~ I dun want! This just sux... to the core. Sigh... I think I haven't been resting enough... there's like big pimples popping out here and there over the past 2 weeks. :( This is bad... I dun rmb having big as in BIG pimples before. >_< So pain and fugly! Life sux... it really does... But the lighting ceremony's coming soon so, we can do it!

Btw, I'll be going to the Chinese Restaurant on Mon, 24th Nov! Gosh... i'm so scared la... my colleague told me, "dun say u scared, if it's any of us, we'll be scared too." So, go figure how bad it is... BUT, the good news is, Val and I will only be there for 2 weeks! Hoorah! I just pulled thro the 'D' shift and today's the last day. After 1 wk of 'break' (considering x'mas practice), I'll have to pull thro for another 2 wks. Hopefully things are better than what I've been hearing from everyone. N I meant EVERYONE! Sigh...

Btw, Kieran, my one and only dearest nephew, Happy Belated 1st B'day!
Last but not least, Edwin & Vincent's at Hefei now! Hoorah! We shall plan our schedules soon to meet up! Kk... I shall get going... gonna take a nap. I'll update again about our fruitful off day yest. later... I'm SO gonna stay up tonite!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Low Chinese Esteem Weird Man Who keeps Complaining

This morning, I saw a weird man complaining to my colleague, mentioning something along this line. "Foreigners don't have to pay before they eat but I have to." N threw 100RMB at my colleague. (FYI, the first morning crowd today was populated by Japanese.) Then nvm, he asked me to get black tea for him. So I went to get. But the labels weren't up yet so I didn't noe which was which. I tried to make a lucky guess but I guess I weren't so lucky. I got coffee. Then I moved on to get black tea, served him and said in Mandarin, "this is your coffee". He had the smirky single 'laugh'. Then he was saying that I served too many foreigners and poured too much coffee that I told him it's coffee. RIDICULOUS rite? To think about it makes me mad! Pls! If they are foreigners, you don't tell them coffee in Mandarin. You say it in English, The freaking int'l language! Hell! If they are Jap, I wld've told them kohi! How freaking stupid is he? Weird...

N just now, a guy asked for a glove... to peel prawns. YES! A freaking glove to peel Freaking prawns! OMG! He just came back from UK but his English still isn't good. According to him, he's been there for 3-4yrs alr... N he asked for my freaking contact number... Call me stupid... I gave him my email add! Omg! I can't believe that I gave him my email add! I must have been crazy!

Yay! I pulled thro today! I'm off on Sat and Mon! Hoorah!~ See you all again! Going for Mac's breakfast tmr morning... Hoorah! hope I can wake up... >_< If I dun, Val's gonna kick me up.

To all my loved ones...

Boo! I just added a Jap song... to the right... Wish by Sowelu. Yup, it's form d.gray man... A really nice song, n here's the translation.

How many forms of love
are there in this world?
Everybody is holding on
to different things living in this world

Family and friends and
companions with the same goal
Because of everyone
thats why I am here today

Always been important side
He learned the old unawares

It is lonely
to live only for yourself
Since I was born into this world
Everybody have to say good-bye
So I hope to bring you
countless smiles

Since watching things when I was little
New things
have already been granted
I lay in them

As time goes by
Though all eyes
are changed and broken,
Memory is intact

The stars that were found in the dark
Still glow in the mind

Because my pain
I want to tell
The billions of people I meet
Everybody have to say good-bye
That's why meekly
I want to smile a lot

In a limited time
What can be done
No matter how tragic or tough it gets
It will turn into happiness in the end

Everybody needs somebody's love
Love is necessary
Because being loved by things can let you smile again
Everybody wants to be happy
I pray for
your happiness as I sing

Btw, I'm off tmr! Hoorah! N it's pay day tmr! Hoorah! N it's my last 'd' shift on Sun! Hoorah! n it's my day off again on Mon! Hoorah! N it was drizzling! Brrr... Love you all lots!

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


Having my break now... It was 2 degrees out there this morning... Brr... Am eating green tea pocky now... Yes, POCKY! Wahaha... Anw, the cream's so hard, as if i just took them out from the fridge. Go figure how cold the room is. I didn't even want to get out of my oh, so very warm bed this morning! >_< I'm doing fine. Dun worry. Just wanted to let you all know that we are back in our small but cosy and comfy room. :) Hoorah! I shall upload the photos which I failed to previously...

Ta-Dah! They have Kirin & Glico stuff here! N it's within walking distance!
See that?! They sell dog meat... packed!
They sell Tangyuan too! But can't cook so didn't buy.
(Spot Jackie Chan!)

Shops just outside the hotel... Take a look at the English words
(which doesn't make any sense)
[Here's for you Jean]Some Sichuan Tortilla wrap...
(It's not spicy but tongue numbing)
In front of the government hse and that's one of Taishan's neighbour behind.

My colleague's hostel
(Yes, they are making a video of her hoola-hooping)
[Reminds me of Anna :)]
Korean Feast! It was a real feast! Ordered too much...
(Beef Hotpot... Really delicious :))
Ok... There's more but I shall stop here. going to the restaurant for lunch... ALONE! Sigh... Wanted to eat instant noodles but my colleague asked me not to. Oh well... Btw, I bought a sweater yest... I'm SO gonna get scoldings from some people... It's made of rabbit fur! Really soft and fluffy... Plus... It works better than wool to keep me warm so... I bought it... It's ard SGD50. >_< Kk... gg off! BYEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Oh, btw, Edwin and Vincent, Congrats! flying off on Sat midnight! Wahaha... Can't wait to meet up with you all. Meanwhile, everyone, there seem to be a flu bug going round so take mre Vit Cs and drink more water, eat well and rest well!

Monday, 10 November 2008

Thanks to all!

I really appreciate all of your kind words, cheering me on when I'm down. Gosh... I really really love all of you! My family and friends... As what Jean said, it's only when we are away from home, then only will we know how much more we had and eventually, appreciate and cherish it more. It's Val and my off day tmr! I'm definitely gonna sleep in, knowing what a piggy I am. But over the past few days, I haven't been sleeping comfortably 'cos it's really dry here. Once I lie down on bed, my nose will be blocked. So gotta breathe thro my mouth then my throat will be dry and I'll start coughing. Sigh...

I just checked the weather forecast on Yahoo! Weather... Guess what? It's freaking 3 degree celsius out there! N it's forecasted to rain/snow this Fri! AH!!! Not prepared! SO not prepared! >__< *Runs frantically around* I'm kinda excited tho... Hee hee...

Hmm... gotta go take my nap... I'll just load the pics I took over the week... enjoy!

Great... it's not loading... can't upload... will do it later tonight then! i can't wait! meeting Jie and Manda & Jean online tonite! Wahaha! N during dinner tonight, the Jap guy whom I mentioned, the one whom can speak English well, will be bringing 2 Jap colleagues over to the restaurant for dinner! haha.... He actually asked if I'm working tonight. He wants to intro them to me. So weird ah? But at least I have smthg to look forward to tonight. N not to forget, Val will be coming over for dinner! hoorah! What a wonderful Mon! Just hope everything will be just as nice the rest of the day! Or mabbe, rest of the attachment period! Hoorah! See u all tonight!

Saturday, 8 November 2008


Sigh... we kinda got 'kicked' out of our nice and cosy hotel room... Am in a windowless place now... Yes, windowless. I think it'll drive anyone crazy if one were to stay too long in a place like this. Ahem... There's hungry mosquitossss too.

Just webcam-ed with my darlings... Haha... Here's pics of my nephew! Cute lil' Kieran!

"Hi! I'm handsome Kieran"

"Hi! I'm cool boy, Kieran"
"Hi! I'm jumping Kieran"
(Lol... he was kinda jumping up and down... SO cute la!)

Sigh... Been really really tired, giving eng lesson or going for x'mas choir class in between my odd shift. So, I skipped today. Felt kinda bad but it was good rest. At least I'm feeling more awake as compared to yesterday. As I've said, I'm emo-ing. Sigh... I really really really am feeling homesick! It's really bad... Gor msged me while I was working just now and I felt like crying. 2 guests whom I served before asked if I felt home sick. I felt like crying. I saw the moon, thought of how it'll look like and who is looking at the moon too in Singapore, felt like crying. After web-caming just now, my aunt was saying bye to me and be 'guai', AGAIN, I felt like crying. And now, while typing all these, I feel like crying. Sigh...

BUT! This is the time I really really love Val! She's super strong la... I dun think she's cried before. Tho she's missing home as well now... but she cheers me up. "Qi si wo le" Haha... Thanks Val, I'm so so so thankful that u r here with me! <3 Haha... We'll be able to pull through this period together! Ganbatte! Eh... Korean's: Aja?

Kk... laptop batt's almost low... I shall stop here then... To all of you reading this, TC, I'll most prob see u latest, Mon nite? Cos I'm off on Tues! Hoorah! I SO can't wait... Last but not least, I miss YOU ALL!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008


It's Wednesday, our off day and our singing class day. We're kinda creating dance steps for the song, "Santa Caus Is Coming To Town". How I wish Peggy's here! Ahhhhh........ So tough! We've been laughing at ourselves! LOL! Sigh... Gotta go back to 'creating' dance steps soon SO, just a quick update for now. Met a Jap guest who studied in Hawaii, a couple from Pakistan celebrating their anniversary (so sweet!), n a couple who was quarreling over something which according to my colleague, about abortion. Hmm... The Jap guest has a she toy poodle. REALLY REALLY cute... he showed me the pic! Ahh! I want one too! >_<

Anw, I just felt like posting this pic... Really cute pic of my niece! :> N her bro who's turning 1 on the 15th just knew how to stand on his own! AND I MISSED IT! AHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh! I wanna see him stand! He waved to me goodbye over skype just a few days ago! SO cute la... N my niece wanted to see my Eeyore (my SWEET smelling Eeyore). :> Haha... here's the pic of my cute niece! Btw, jie, can I have a nice pic of the 2 of them?

My Kawaii Jaela!

Monday, 3 November 2008

ahhhhhh... 'D' shift!

I bet you all can't guess wat my title's abt! Sigh... I just found out yest. that I'll be working D shift starting today over the next 2 weeks. It means, 0630-1100hr and then, go back to work at 1730-2130hr! (Btw, I was working 1500-2300hr yest.) Yea, I'm dead tired now... Tho it may seem that I have a 6 and half hours break, it's not really the case COS, I have x'mas singing classes on Mon, Wed and Fri and for other days over this and next wk, I'm giving English training to my fellow colleagues. Singing classes' from 1530-1630hr and training's from 1500-1600hr. So, it also means that I don't get to FREAKING MISS work! AHhhh... BUT nvm, I can do this! I'm sure I'll be able to pull thro this! Just like how I endured climbing the humongous, full-of-steps mountain! For now, I shall look forward to Kieran's FIRST B'day! Hoorah! Sigh... So for these 2 wks, there's gonna be a lot less blogging. No much life in this kinda shift but this is life. Ain't it ironic?

Tired... SO tired... Btw, I met a guy from Moscow today. Gosh... His eyes... They were green. So light a green and so clear! Woah! Super nice la! Urgh... my throats's feeling... :s U noe, the kind of after effect from eating too salty? Yea... I just had the saltiest lamb soup I've ever tasted. The flavour's not too bad. Just that it's too salty AND there's no meat ONLY kidney, coagulated blood and smthg tat looks like intestine. Tried the first 2 but not the last... Nothing I shld mention about, just........... they can't be eaten. >_< So I'm down-ing a lot of water right now...

Hmm... nothing much to blog about, just hope Val will go down for dinner over the next 2 wks and not eat too much instant noodles. I know you are reading this Val. Haha... I hope to see you at the restaurant every night! Pls give me smthg to look forward to! N I hope that I won't be eating too much instant noodles too. Kind of easy, kind of hard. I'll see. Kk... gotta go prepare for the English training! U all tc and I'll most prob blog on Wed, which is my off day! :)

Saturday, 1 November 2008

Yet another off day gone...

Hmm... Woke up at ard 11am today... More like Val woke up at 11am today. But I was really tired... So I just continued lying in bed while she was cleaning up. After she was done, she woke me up... N I told her tat I dreamt of our room having a kitchen. complete with pots. I was so happy (in my dream). Sigh... I then told her that I can't get up cos Eeeyore was sleeping on me. Haha... She said that I was retarded. :s

Anw, we woke up, changed, and went to the buffet rest. again, for lunch. Lunch was good bt I kept dropping things, like yest. First, was the deep-fried glutinous rice ball. Another was the Cheese cake (manage to catch it with my plate). Sigh... Just what was with me today? We had a long chat with the cashier and my acting captain then went back to our room to find some actions for our X'mas song, "Santa Claus Is Coming To Town". Val was very efficient. She managed to find them. Not that I didn't do anything. There was only 1 internet cable thingy so... Haha... :P

Before going to the X'mas choir class, we went to change our dirty uniforms for clean ones. Today's choir class was... funny. I think it's 'cos Val n I were very restless. Sleepy after a full stomach... It's not an easy thing. Haha... then the front desk manager, michael, was there. He's not part of the singing class but... Haha... Anw, he started msging val n I. but Val didn't bring her phone. I, on the other hand, were having problems replying in Chinese so Val did it. :> It was really weird cos, he was just 3m away from us? Haha... We cld see all the facial expressions upon seeing our replies. :>

Then we went to have dinner after waiting some 30 mins? for the hsekeeper to come and take a look at our safe deposit box as it wasn't working. We got our money out and walked to our intended destination. (Sigh... feeling REALLY BROKE) Here's what I had for dinner! All for just 116RMB, two dinner sets. Mine's 48RMB, so cheap la...

Here's my steak, complete with a cream soup (it sux), buttered bread, spaghetti, fruit salad and red wine from yantai.
(There's lots of onions under and around my steak, it's oily too, as if it's free)

Val and I. It's a singing chair! Super fun and comfy! :)

Me on the swinging chair...

Here's what i've been forgetting to blog abt! I received a letter from the sunny island on Thur! Wahaha... I was SO happy! I could tell who it was from after looking at the handwriting. So her la... Haha... it came with a hp strap tat says "best pals!" in front and "Wen & Joyce" behind. Hee... Here's a pic of it... i'm sure many can see me grinning during the process when I first received the letter till I finished reading the letter and stared at the hp strap. Thanks Jie! Haha... But it wld've been great if u cld sneak me some pocky! fran will do too! Sigh... Meiji! Ah! Toking abt Meiji, guess wat WE found yest?

Ta-Dah! Meiji Yan Yan! At least better than nothing...
(Hope it tastes just as good!)

And here's the letter that made my day... Sigh... It may be just a simple, random letter but... Wah! So happy la! Thanks Joyce! Gosh... I love you!
Haha... Btw, according to Val, it seems like they had problems locating the owner of this letter, me. They (I dunno who) asked Val's colleague if she knew who Jiawen is. She knew. N I dunno her. Seems like she's been just as curious abt me as she was abt Val. So she asked Val abt me. Oh well... at least the leeter didn't get into the trash. Sigh... snail mail... Snail mails always makes my day... EXCEPT! EXCEPT for my bills AND results slip. Haha... Kk... Gotta go to bed alr... Val's alr in bed. (She was snoring... heh)