Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Jason Mraz!~

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNoooooooooooooooooo!~~~ *echos*

Sigh... Jason Mraz LIVE in SGP! Wat the hell! On freaking 5th Mar and it was sold out almost instantly! Sigh... No fate... No fate at all... :( Well, at least I'm glad that I went to Maroon 5's last year... But still!? Sigh... :( Sigh... (x 10000000000) I first saw it on sistic's website... But once I saw 5th Mar... I knew that there's no hope alr... Manda then saw my msn nick: NO!~ I wanna go! Jason Mraz live in S'pore! Dammit! >_< N told me tat it was sold out within ard an hr. Sigh... I asked Mich abt it... N Pearl just 'Jiawen!!' me and told me she just realised tat Jason Mraz's coming to S'pore but by the time she checked, there were already no tix. :(

Orh man! Sigh... So, here I am... bathing myself with his songs... except that I can't find his first album in my laptop. Sigh... At least I have it in my mp3. Well, I love his second album too! OMG! So sad... Such 'fortune' I have... I hope he comes again... N next time, hopefully i'll noe abt it way in advance and be able to make it for the concert (not stuck in China or smthg like now)!

Anw, here are some photos which I said I wanted to post up... Did try again the following day but still cldn't upload...

Shot I secretly took of Val while she was preparing for the cust.'s hotpot!

Pretty pretty flowers at the Front Desk, 水仙 (smells really good)

Ta-Dah~! See that? It's a stack of neatly stacked up PIG'S TROTTERS on sale!

The 'oh, so very cute' moo moo (牛牛)! It was love at first sight~
[The next 2 days I went back, it was stolen :( ]

Here's wat Joyce wanted to see... Me in the cheongsam. Haha... I can't believe I'm posting this up!
I've a lot more to post... BUT! It'll have to wait... Anw, Val's parents came over today! Hoorah! :)


Mummy said...

haha.. Congrates ah!!! U look like in ur big wedding day..hahah 'Yum Cha'

Wen said...

Wat congrats la! Anyhow say... Anyway, Donna said I look fatter in it. Well, the cheongsam is loose... n damn uncomfortable. Sigh... Today marks the last day of my Qingdao/Jinan trip! I'm going back to Taian city tmr! Sigh...