Sunday, 1 March 2009


It's been some time since I updated... Will be gg to Sales & Marketing department tmr... Sigh... for a week. I wonder what I'll be doing there... anw, only 19 more days! I can do it!~

Oh ya, I was just reading the straits times... N... the merlion got hit by lightning?! The rain in S'pore must be super duper heavy for this to happen! Hmm... lightning... rain... I hardly see them here... I'm doing well... N hopefully I can confirm soon with everyone my flight n all... Ah... HOME!~

My stomach's growling... am waiting for Val to return... nothing much to write... ok, more like... there's a lot to write but i'm really lazy to do it so... I shall end here... here's a pic of poor merlion which got hit... taken from

Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Well, i'm back at work... the same old things for another week n I'll be gg to Sales & marketing to learn the art of another form of stoning. Not that I want to stone but the hotel has been rather quiet... Oh well... Tmr, Val & I will be attending the FO dinner... Haha... I'm really hungry now!

Anw, the trip sucked... It just rained and rained and kept raining... totally spoilt our trip... I mean, we cld've done a lot more... seriously! :s Altho I dun have as much photos as compared to the Qingdao trip, we still do have interesting photos... I think I'll post them up on facebook instead. Really dunno how to blog n jhave no mood to blog... What I really want to blog IS...

That I lost abt 600 SGD at Shanghai! Freaking hell! I really really can't rmb when n how I lost it la... N i'm stupid enough to only realise at abt midnight, just when I was abt to turn in! How stupid am I!? Tell me! Sux shit lor... I tried to be calm when I found out that it wasn't there, went to the reception to ask but it was nowhere to be found! Ugh! I then started to cry n had to wake Val up from her slumber. :s I called to try to make a police report... but their efficiency rocks big time!

I called 110 and rtold the operator that i lost my purse n wld like to make a police report. She asked where I lost it, i said i dunno... she said smthg that she can't help me then... cos i dunno where i lost it... then i asked her wat she meant... she freaking gave me attitude until i told her tat i'm staying at Fuzhou Road, she said she'll direct my call to the bund's police branch just like tat n the call was directed. Then a policeman answered, asked me for my details, i told him everything then said i'm staying at Fuzhou Road... then he said... "hmm... i'll give u another police post's address 'cos we're not in charge of the area. The address is... xxx... lemme check the exact address..." (i was on hold for quite some time) "why dun u try calling tis no.?" Ok, fine, i called. Nobody picked up, I called the b***h operator again... to redirect my call... she didn't even say another word and redirected my call again. I then told the policeman that I called earlier but no one answered. THEN guess wat he said? "oh, then u can just come down to my police branch. You can come over now or tmr to make ur report but i's recommend u to make it tmr." What the hell lor, I seriously think that he was just pure lazy! 2am, at the police station, he was doing EVERYTHING so slowly... sigh... seriously! I've had enough!

I really feel sad about losing tat much money but everyone has been telling me tat at least it's only cash and I didn't get hurt and tat it cld be 破财挡宰... oh well... i'm sure the person may need the cash more than me... :s the person better use it wisely! if not... sigh... such a waste...

Sigh... 37 more mins till i knock off... hungry... I shall end here then... 24 more DAYS!

Monday, 16 February 2009

Will Be Away For A Week...

Yup, u guessed it. I'm going on a one week trip to Suzhou, Hangzhou n Shanghai! Wahaha... But my throat hearts... cos I had steamboat on Fri and again, yesterday... Too heaty I guess... :s Yes, I'll drink more water... >_<

Yay! I'm so excited for the trip... Am suppose to knock off at 1300hr today BUT i haven't asked my manager yet... How fun is this? *sigh* Yay! Will be seeing Yingying & Meiqing, Yongcheng & SH gang, my uncle... wahaha... I'll be bringing my laptop so feel free to email me. I'll try to check it daily... Eh... guess I'll just end here... Wee~!

32 more days!~ (omg, when I return, I'll have only 25 more days!!!)

Monday, 9 February 2009

Bad day, Unlucky day. U name it.

Sigh... woke up yest morning with weird tummy... n it was aching for the whole day... I tot it was gastric... Went to bed at ard 0030hr n felt really bloated. Then, the real thing came. At ard 2am, diarrhea, 5am, diarrhea again. 7am, again. 10am, again. N till now, I dunno how many times alr. Lost count. Sigh... My only off day this mth besides the one set aside for our trip. I really hope I'll be able to work tmr! Orh man! This totally sux! Humph... I'll try to go n work on my report... Sigh...

Saturday, 7 February 2009


Haha... Not like I have a lot of time... just tat I am willing to do everything and anything BUT report! Argh... Anw, I'm here cao I want to side track from the report so I shall not tok abt it here. Haha...

I was webcaming with my cousin, niece, nephew and aunt just now... It was so happening la... Gwen's frens were all present. It was kinda weird. My lil' Jaela played some violin 'noise' for me... Haha... At least she got the right posture and managed to play some sound... :) N my lil' Kieran can walk super steadily now... run even! Haha... He's SO cute la... Uber cute! He was running around... and roar-ing at the same time. Ran from right to left, 'roar', run from left to right, 'ROAR'! Haha... Yes, that's my nieces and nephew for u.

Gor called me at work today... Haha... told me tat he dreamt of me! He dreamt that I was back! Lol... I told him that it's cause he missed me too much and he laughed. Oh well, he also told me that my Ah Gong's health's deteriorating... Sigh... If I'm not wrong, my Ah Gong's ard 94 or 96 alr, plus he loves to eat those preserved sausages so he's liver's deteriorating. Sigh... life. What can I say? I just hope that it's not painful and he won't have to suffer much. :s

Val and I went to our RO, HR Dept. today to ask if we can push forward our attachment end date from 22 to 20th Mar... N yes, we can! So I'll be home 2 days earlier... Not sure if we'll be gg to Beijing yet... Too much things to do. Will most prob decide after we're back from Shanghai... :P Sigh... time really flies... It's already 11.25pm! Sigh... It's Sunday tmr but it nvr feels like one... Oh well, Not like I have a lot of Sundays more to come... Hee hee... :>

AND... I just found out smthg! Fran got her license in Aug!? *Gasp* I nvr knew that!? Sigh... *shakes head* Sounds like Fran, Don, Manda, Sam & Dei had an enjoyable Fri... Sigh... I'm so jealous... Right now, I'm craving for................. BK Mushroom Swiss Burger! Sigh... Going off to bed... :( Nite! :(

Thursday, 5 February 2009

At Work

Just came back yest. Started work today. It's been like... decades since I last blogged! Oh well... It has been a great week for me... Went on a short trip n stuff... Kinda gotta rush into out report now... After the report's submitted, I'll see how I can blog abt my trip to Qingdao & Jinan... Cos it's just too much to blog abt. Not to forget, I had to shower with cold freezing water! OMG... That was a totally... sucky... experience! The thought of it freezes me deep into my bones :S

As what the title says, I'm at work now... :P 45 more mins till I knock off. Sigh... I've so much to do! N I'm hungry... Sigh... gotta eat dinner alone today cos Val's working afternoon shift... :S I'm feeling so lazy to eat... Well, the 9th (Mon), Don,Geri & Fran will be making a trip to my hse... For what? Haha... To pass me the whole load of stuff incl. my pressie & a lot of stuff... I'm really wondering what my pressie is... sigh... Oh well... I've ard one and a half mth more till I see that big bag of stuff!~ I SO can't wait! >_<

Hmm... I can't think of anything else to blog about other than the trip... So I guess I'll just end here then! Btw, I've been doing well, survived 4 mths here alr... Just gotta pull through this period till the submission of the report which is till the 13th & Val n I will be able to fly! From then on, EVERYTHING will be very fast n before I noe it, I'll be home! Bye for now! :)

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Jason Mraz!~

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNNoooooooooooooooooo!~~~ *echos*

Sigh... Jason Mraz LIVE in SGP! Wat the hell! On freaking 5th Mar and it was sold out almost instantly! Sigh... No fate... No fate at all... :( Well, at least I'm glad that I went to Maroon 5's last year... But still!? Sigh... :( Sigh... (x 10000000000) I first saw it on sistic's website... But once I saw 5th Mar... I knew that there's no hope alr... Manda then saw my msn nick: NO!~ I wanna go! Jason Mraz live in S'pore! Dammit! >_< N told me tat it was sold out within ard an hr. Sigh... I asked Mich abt it... N Pearl just 'Jiawen!!' me and told me she just realised tat Jason Mraz's coming to S'pore but by the time she checked, there were already no tix. :(

Orh man! Sigh... So, here I am... bathing myself with his songs... except that I can't find his first album in my laptop. Sigh... At least I have it in my mp3. Well, I love his second album too! OMG! So sad... Such 'fortune' I have... I hope he comes again... N next time, hopefully i'll noe abt it way in advance and be able to make it for the concert (not stuck in China or smthg like now)!

Anw, here are some photos which I said I wanted to post up... Did try again the following day but still cldn't upload...

Shot I secretly took of Val while she was preparing for the cust.'s hotpot!

Pretty pretty flowers at the Front Desk, 水仙 (smells really good)

Ta-Dah~! See that? It's a stack of neatly stacked up PIG'S TROTTERS on sale!

The 'oh, so very cute' moo moo (牛牛)! It was love at first sight~
[The next 2 days I went back, it was stolen :( ]

Here's wat Joyce wanted to see... Me in the cheongsam. Haha... I can't believe I'm posting this up!
I've a lot more to post... BUT! It'll have to wait... Anw, Val's parents came over today! Hoorah! :)

Thursday, 22 January 2009


The wind's whistling through the windows and the cold air creeping through the window seam... Urgh... The feeling of cold air at my feet even when the heater in the room's at it's max. I, can really feel winter... crazy cold winter. Sigh... yes, the temperature has began to drop today... Actually, last night was already very cold...

Sigh... at times, I really feel like just staying cooped up in the room just like that. Well, mabbe cos I'm tired, mabbe cos my brain refuses to function, mabbe, mabbe... sigh... I dun even noe. I'm kinda getting mixed feelings right now. :( It's been a long journey... 107 days alr........ omg!? i have 58 more days! 1/3 more! Argh... I can't wait for 9 Feb to come. Hope I'll feel better with one thing less to worry about, not to forget our trip, uni application + homesick, etc.

It's papa's b'day tmr! Haha... Happy B'day papa!~ Hope u'll have a great b'day ahead! >_<>

Hmm? It's 9.10pm... y's Val still not back? T_T Anw, I worked OT yest... all the way till 0130hrs!? Yes... to help out in a prize presentation yest and contractual stuff tis morning... :S So so so very tired. :( I'm not going to blog abt wat happened... Dun want to blog about the unhappies... Sigh... y's LJ blocked! I want to post up my friends only post! Urgh! Y?! Y?! Why block this that n everything! Sux big time! AHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! x_x

Kk... nothing much alr! Val's back! yay!~ :> Anw, here's the photo of wat I wore yest. since Joyce requested... Here you go! (Can't upload :s will do it tmr then... Sigh.)

Saturday, 17 January 2009

Happy 22!~

N so... how did I spend my first b'day oveseas?

Hmm... basically, I woke up at around 0830hr after sms-es filled with b'day wishes came flooding in. Layed in bed till 9am (yes yes, I'm a pig) n got up. Went online, called home. It has been weeks since I last heard from my aunt. Sigh... So glad to hear her voice! >_< Drank Campbell's mushroom soup & ate biscuits with peanut butter, Msn-ed and internet sms pple to thank them. Once again, thank you all for ur b'day wishes! :) Got lazy but still went down for lunch at ard 1230hr. To my surprise, I had company for lunch today! Not Val but Anna (Front Desk) & a Russian lady. It was kinda awkward but I listened... well, the convo was quite interesting just tat I didn't noe who the parties were. :P

At ard 1330hr, I left to watch the hotel's CNY celebration which was filled with programmes. Dances, skits, etc, etc, etc. Some of the performances were really great! Like the Front Office's tap dance, a few of the singing performances, SPA's aerobics dance, skits. Though I didn't understand some but it was enjoyable. In between the performance, there are some lucky draws, starting from the 6th prize, 20 winners... Haha... N guess what? I was one of them!? That's why I said 'b'day gal, b'day luck' (if u've noticed my msn personal msg)! Hee...

Our Exec. Mgr, Mr Mok Conducting the 3rd prize's (i think) computer draw

Our GM, Mr Lee Conducting the 2nd prize's computer draw
(Claiming that he won't choose a F&B staff 'cos they won too many. But out of the 3 draws, the last winner was still from F&B. Haha...)

Marks the end of the show...

I went back to the room after the show while everyone went to Four Seasons to dine. Haha... After Val told me that all the mgmt level personnel was wearing the FS's uniform & stuff... I really regretted for not going! >_< Haha... but Val took photos... at least I still got to see... Sigh... Anw, after Val came back, we left for our bullfrog hotpot! Wee!~ Ordered 2 jin of 牛蛙,土豆片, 白菜,金针菇,豆皮 & 2 bottles of 600ml Taishan beer (didn't finish :P). The total bill was 95RMB la... So ex! It was Val's treat! Thanks Val! I truly had a great dinner! ^_^ Went to the convenient store, 统一银座. We initially wanted to buy ice-cream to eat (though we were freezing) but they didn't sell so I bought lemon, biscuits, kirin milk tea, a shower cloth instead. Very random, I noe. Haha...

Employees dining at the restaurant...
(from left): Mr Wan, Mr Lee & Mr Mok

(from left): Zhang zong, Val, Lily(our RO) & Chef Li

Mgr Chen of Finance! Wahaha...

Mgr Yu (Hsekeeping), Val and Mgr Zhao (Front Office)

Our Dinner!

Made our way back to the hotel (freezing our asses off), showered, went online and called Manda. Haha... wished her happy b'day and then they started singing a b'day song, first in Eng then in Mandarin. Lol... I so wasn't expecting that! Thanks gorgeouses! :) I truly miss all the gatherings and b'day celebration. Sigh... how much have I been missing?

After Val came out from the shower, we started taking some photos... to be more precise, retarded photos! Wahaha... Yea... tat's kinda about it... Enjoy the photos!~ (Can't upload :( Will post them up tmr instead then... Sigh... )

Delicious egg roll Owen brought back from home! Yum yum!~

Our Tidbits corner! Wahaha!~ >_<

Not to forget those in the fridge...

Taking retarded photos with our tidbits!

Paper Val's holding says: "Val's Convenient Store"

Ahhh!~ *Chomps* Eats the whole packet of biscuits!

Thursday, 15 January 2009

Happy B'day To Me!~

Haha... Yes, I'm 2-2! Sigh... N Manda turned 2-2 yesterday... Happy B'day to you Manda! :) Hope u'll enjoy ur dinner at Timber later on today! N THANKS A BUNCH FOR UR PRESSIE! Haha... Guess how I first came in contact with your parcel?

I was tired, went back into the office to rest, sat down, chatting with my colleague. Then, another colleague came in with a stack of newspaper n the parcel strangled on top with rafiah string. The top right hand corner peeked out at me. Haha... You can see from the photo what exactlt caught my attention... I stood up immediately and went to look for the recipient name... You know, just in case it isn't mine. BUT... Ta-dah! It's mine, with Manda's handwriting scribbled all over. Haha... I was really really bored than... the mail really perked me up! Thx Manda! :) The card's really pretty n the biscuit tins~... SO CUTE! Haha... Limited ed some more! Btw, Wat's with the Mrs Ah Seng, huh?!

SO what was it that caught my attention?...
Highlight below:
Well, of course it's the stamp. Tho it's the electric tram one, i tot of the rickshaw stamp at first sight! Wahaha... (SGD9.60 worth of stamps!?)

Tmr, the hotel will be holding an Employees' meeting at 0830hr (I'm off tmr >_<), CNY performance at 1330hr and dinner at 1600-1645hr (batch 1) & 1645-1730hr (batch 2). Sigh... But Val n I will be gg to eat bullfrog steamboat tmr! Hehe... Yum yum... Very sweet of her to rmb and plan a dinner. She even wanted to get me a box of kitkat(hello kitty tin pack). Haha... Thanks Val! N all the rest, for ur well wishes! 64 more days!~

Hmm... that's abt it... below r some photos...

Our favourite KFC burger (New Orleans)... N the egg tart here's......... *speechless*
We just ate it again for dinner! Hee...

Me in the Hsekeeping Leader uniform...

Me in the SPA uniform...
(I think this is one of the nicest uniform)
Yea!~ Tat's all... I'll take more photos tmr n post up tmr! Hopefully, tmr... :p

Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Hmm... It's been a while since I last blogged... Hee hee... feeling lazy... Well, I've always been feeling lazy...

Anw, I'm now at Front Office. Wk 2. Concierge. I was at Switchboard last week & will be at Biz Centre next week before going to Front Desk. The pple are great... but just that there's nothing to do... All I do is just stand ard, walk ard and sit ard. Sigh... Of course, I do observe n learn stuff... It can really be quite interesting to stand there and observe the happenings ard. :> LIKE, guests like to look for female staff. Even when the first table's the first n nearest desk, they dun approach it cos it's a male staff. REALLY!

Just checked my last post of current update... Realised that I didn't blog abt my attachment at laundry & spa too! haha... well... actually, after mu 2nd day at laundry, i fell ill n recovered only tis wk. Well, kinda recovered... Just tat the lobby's too cold n i've been sneezing more often these days...

Hmm... Dun feel like blogging abt attachment now... Hmm... After ard 14 weeks here, I'm beginning to miss home again... :s Sigh... I noe tat not soon from now, time will just fly by. But, I feel like gg home. I miss my room. I miss being able to tell when's wkend. I miss my aunt. I miss everyone. I miss shopping, like really shopping. I miss being able to sms my frens not having to think twice abt cost. I miss home cooked food. I miss going out to eat every Sunday. I miss not having to think so much abt everything. I miss watching movies. I miss the food! Ah!~ I wants them ALL!~ :'( BUT no worries, I'm FINE... Not crying or anything... Pple here are great so i'm doing well.. really... Just can't wait to go travelling with Val n her parents!

Anw, it's really cold now... Hasn't snowed yet... Doesn't really seem like it will even when Hong Kong's weather went down to -1 degree on Mon and Thai has just experienced one of their coldest time since dunno when. Sigh... the world's gg crazy cos of our survival.

Haha... our 2 juniors are shooting qns at me... I shall get going then! Will update soon! :) 66 More days!~

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Weighed myself last week...

I put on weight!~

2kg added!


I'm officially 47kg & counting...!

BE HAPPY! ^_^ *pinches my cheeks*

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Happy B'day...

My Dearest JAELA! U r 4~! Hoorah! Ah yi misses you SO much! >_<

Study hard and all the best for your violin class! You can teach your ah yi some basics when ah yi comes home! :> Love you lots!


Sunday, 4 January 2009

Thursday, 1 January 2009

As promised... are the photos!

Here's wat I ate on Sun nite 'cos Val went for FO dinner... Nissin Noodles, Tom Yum Flavour! Super Duper D-E-L-IIIIIIIIIIII-cious la!~

Here's the pic for Sat nite's dinner!

From left: Changying, Me, Hewen and Fengjuan (Rachael)

My delicious claypot rice! Yum yum!

Me tucking in! ...

... Us tucking in! (See the 3 Korean Guys behind? They are our long-term guests)

US taking a grp photo! (As u can see, the waitress is a bad, bad photographer)

I went to their hostel for a lil' after dinner...
Here's the corn they forced me to eat (a lil' hard to chew but tastes like glutinous rice)

Them, caught in the act eating sweet corn!

Here's smthg the chinese rest. chef made... with some sort of flour!?

Me with the pearl tea set...

Here's the rest. a.k.a. cafe!

Came back for dinner...
Some shrimp roll which is not fresh! Feel so cheated... >_<"

THIS, is 卤鸡翅! Very yummy la... Tastes quite.... S'pore! ^_^v

My Mushroom Chicken Spaghetti... & Borstche Soup (diluted)
Sigh... I miss pasta mania... v_v
Entertainment Time!
Here's only a few of what we spotted in the menu...

OUR New Year's Eve!~

CHEERS!~ To our loneliness!

Our dinner... left: bull frog, right: fish
(there's another soup which I forgot to take a pic of cos it took forever to come)
Moving on...
Val & Desmond... singing duet! NICE!~

The THR33 of us!

Val n Me, n her obssessed heart shaped wallpaper~!

That's All Folks!~ Have a Great 2009 Ahead!