Saturday, 7 February 2009


Haha... Not like I have a lot of time... just tat I am willing to do everything and anything BUT report! Argh... Anw, I'm here cao I want to side track from the report so I shall not tok abt it here. Haha...

I was webcaming with my cousin, niece, nephew and aunt just now... It was so happening la... Gwen's frens were all present. It was kinda weird. My lil' Jaela played some violin 'noise' for me... Haha... At least she got the right posture and managed to play some sound... :) N my lil' Kieran can walk super steadily now... run even! Haha... He's SO cute la... Uber cute! He was running around... and roar-ing at the same time. Ran from right to left, 'roar', run from left to right, 'ROAR'! Haha... Yes, that's my nieces and nephew for u.

Gor called me at work today... Haha... told me tat he dreamt of me! He dreamt that I was back! Lol... I told him that it's cause he missed me too much and he laughed. Oh well, he also told me that my Ah Gong's health's deteriorating... Sigh... If I'm not wrong, my Ah Gong's ard 94 or 96 alr, plus he loves to eat those preserved sausages so he's liver's deteriorating. Sigh... life. What can I say? I just hope that it's not painful and he won't have to suffer much. :s

Val and I went to our RO, HR Dept. today to ask if we can push forward our attachment end date from 22 to 20th Mar... N yes, we can! So I'll be home 2 days earlier... Not sure if we'll be gg to Beijing yet... Too much things to do. Will most prob decide after we're back from Shanghai... :P Sigh... time really flies... It's already 11.25pm! Sigh... It's Sunday tmr but it nvr feels like one... Oh well, Not like I have a lot of Sundays more to come... Hee hee... :>

AND... I just found out smthg! Fran got her license in Aug!? *Gasp* I nvr knew that!? Sigh... *shakes head* Sounds like Fran, Don, Manda, Sam & Dei had an enjoyable Fri... Sigh... I'm so jealous... Right now, I'm craving for................. BK Mushroom Swiss Burger! Sigh... Going off to bed... :( Nite! :(

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