Monday, 15 March 2010

It's been a long long time!~

It's been a great long time since I have last blogged. I'm blogging now mainly because I have had enough of chapter 3. This will be concluding my Sunday.

I know I need to do well and be consistent with my dissertation. That's what I keep telling myself but there's just too much distractions. This is bad. I need to work harder! On school work! It is really a pain. Somehow, I feel that I have chosen the wrong topic to work on. 'Cos companies doesn't seem to be as helpful as I thought. I've been sending out emails furiously but the replies are usually negative and most ignored me. :( BUT, I must tell myself to press on. Think positive! Law of attraction! :)

Ok, let's go on to something happier! I'm getting out of the Alps-rich Switzerland in less than a week's time! To the land of Tapas, Marco Polo, Zara and many more. Haha... Hoorah! I can't wait man! What's more? I'll be meeting Apple there! Hoorah! x 2 Like what Apple said, I bet we're going to have sleepless nights.... talking to each other all night long! Haha... Been doing research yesterday and a lil' today. The more I read, the more excited I am. Plus, doing most of it alone... It's kind of like my first. Very refreshing indeed. I bet Barcelona's going to be very special place to me. I hope everything goes well. Not perfect but positively well.

Of course, a lot happened in my life but... hmm... yet, there's nothing much to blog about. Like a 'daebak' or something. 'Cos life has just been... like that. The usual. I've one thing that I dunno why I always keep looking forward to. That's language class every Thursday night. Korean's really quite an interesting and challenging language to learn. It's a pity that I don;t take out time to practice every other day. Why I said that I dunno why I look forward to is actually 'cos I already know Mandarin (well enough) and the japanese basics. Hmm... What I can infer from this is that I can really go ahead with taking up Japanese after I go back to Singapore and have enough $$ of course. Since I really have the passion to pick up Japanese. :)

It's career week, there's many many talks we have to attend from Mon to Wed. Plus, gotta work on Chapt 3 and Chapter 2 after meeting my mentor... Hmm... A busy week indeed. I'm glad that I'm only flying on Sun. I think I really need to kick myself and work on my dissertation and get lost in Barcelona. Actually, I think I've already done enough research for the trip. What I really need to do is more like picking up some phrases like... "where is the toilet?" Haha...

it's almost 12am! Gotta wake up early tmr and prob earlier for breakfast. Plus, I think my back and neck's breaking soon since I've been sitting here for almost the whole of my Sunday (meant to be a family day with delicious Singapore delicacies paid for by my Dad). T_T Talking about my dad... Internet here sux! T_T" I guess I won't be blogging till I come back from my trip so... Adios!~ AND... Hola, Barcelona and Manzana!~ (^v^)v

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