Sunday, 28 March 2010

Barcelona! The land of the _____!~

Yes, I'm back from Barcelona. I totally love this trip. Yes, I love Tokyo, Phuket and Hong Kong too. But Barcelona seems to be a combi of everything, western style. :) In the Barcelona, they have pretty architectures, old, gothic style; mosaic, colourful, abstract. As a sucker for architectures, I feel that I have not done justice to Barcelona. The churches!~ Amazing!~ The museums. Omg! The amount of museums they have, it's crazy. I have only entered the Picasso Museum & Chocolate Museum! I only used one free coupon given in the 2 day pass.

Did you know? Chocolate in Europe kinda started in Spain first! How interesting is that? Their chocolates are lovely! Thick and almost bitter but not to bitter for my liking! Perfect! It's nothing like what Starbucks has to offer. The Xchocolata with whipped cream, together with churros! Omg!~ The match! It's like soybean + fried fritters: the more heavenly version. :P Talking about food, how can I forget seafood right? With the Mediterranean sea just overlooking the city!~ Their Paella!~ Tapas!~ Salad with loads of olive oil and mozzarella!~ Grilled Seafood!~ Waffles by the port!~ Creme Brulee!~ Sangria!~ Not to mention, my last day was spent with an overdosage of Sangria!~ Haha! Well, yea, it's sad that I didn't get to try their McDonald's & KFC there... (You don't know how much I miss it) But yet, how can I not eat local food?

I had Sangria by the beach. And I ordered this thing that I thought was bread with mushroom + cheese topping. Guess what? It turned out to be Brinjal. :s Alright, not complaining, it was quite nice, at least I do eat brinjal now... imagine if I didn't. T_T" The Beach was magnificent. It was still a cloudy, windy day and we saw a lady wearing bikini. There were lots of 'sand castles' built up with a touch of creativity. How the sand dragon's nose can fire up, poking plants in them for the sand house's greenery, there's a big sand dog and what i found most amazing was a sand castle built with a lil' fountain and the water was still flowing! To the side, was a lil mountain, with black smoke spiraling up! How amazing is that? There were so much to see by the beach and it just so happened that they were launching Audi A1 by the beach. So I had a ride in the red A1, high speed, drift and going up the slope, sideways. Haha... it was a fun ride!~

Shopping! Haha... I really liked the shopping there although souvenirs were really quite expensive. On top of that, I had to consider how I was to bring them back with my very tight baggage limit. It was really sad 'cos I really missed out a lot. A LOT. Sigh... I bought 2 tops, One from Zara and another from Bershka. Zara is so not cheap there. I saw this lovely spring jacket. It was 70 euros. O_o The other top I got was 10 euros, I really liked it. Apple got one too!~ :) I saw nice stuff at Mango, but didn't get. Sigh... I bought 2 bottoms, one grey skirt and a pair of Jeans. The skirt was from Pull & Bear, Really nice, a lil' short tho @ 10 euros and the Jeans! Highlight of my trip! 40 euros, from Massimo Dutti!~ It was not even on sale! Love it man! Tho the back pocket doesn't look that nice but... I like it. :P

See, isn't it a combi of Tokyo, Phuket & Hong Kong? Haha... I think it was a great experience. Yes, I did lots and lots of homework and most of them actually had gone to waste but I still feel that it's a great trip. Plan for the unplanned. that's what I learnt from this trip. Other than what Barcelona has to offer, I personally feel that it was a good one 'cos I got to meet new friends. I met Daphne, Apple's colleague's friend. She's an avid traveller. So I picked up a lot of things from her. It was just the 2 of us in the day for the first 2 days. Then Xiuhui & her brother came along on Wed where we went to Mt. Tibidabo, Park Guell and the chocolate museum together. A bigger group, there was quite a lot of fun. Daphne left on Thurs so I was left to go explore alone. I really planned my day already but like what I said, plan for the unplanned, expect the unexpected. I met a new friend on my last day there. (This was how my Sangri overload came about) Liz's Californian with pure Spanish blood. It's her first time in Barcelona which I found quite surprising. She was alone so we kinda decided to go into Sagrada Familia together and we ended up spending the whole day together. Haha... yes, with Sangria. She asked me to join her in California soon and she's a decent snowboarder! How cool's that?

On my real last day, the day I was coming back. I felt so so so sad. the day was so great! It's as if it's calling out to me to tour it more. The clear sunny blue sky! Aww man... On top of that, Apple was going back to Singapore. The feeling i had inside me. You can't imagine how much I wanted to be on the same flight as her back to Singapore. The homesickness overwhelmed me. She sent me an sms that brought tears to my eyes. With this, I left Barcelona. I definitely want to be back again. Not so soon. Perhaps when the Familia's close to completion? There's still too much I haven't done, so yes, I'll be back!

Anyway, i came back with quite some Singapore sauces. Laksa paste, curry paste, chicken rice marinade, ba kut teh, sesame oil and 'da hua' soy sauce + Chocolate oreos and pocky!~ Wahaha... love it man. Can't wait to cook them!~ BUT time really flies! there's only 2 more months till school officially ends! I can hardly believe this and there's still so much workload. @_@ I need to readjust myself to school life again! No more holidaying till end May/Jun! Fighting!~

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