Friday, 2 April 2010

Disney Dreams

It's been one week since I returned from my trip. It's funny how I have been dreaming of Disneylands. First, was Paris Disneyland and just today, I dreamt of Tokyo Disneyland! Wahaha... how crazy was that!?

My paris Disneyland was quite a normal one, where I dreamt of Donald Duck and Pluto... Haha... One odd thing was that i kept calling DD, Donald and he asked me to call him: Donald Duck. Oh well... Here comes the weird one in Tokyo...

I dreamt that I was with my dad and only had 2 mins left 'cos smthg happened before that (I could hardly remember). So I was running around trying to buy something. I just wanted to buy something with Tokyo Disneyland imprinted on it. So I went to ask the sales assistant what was a more popular & rare item where I could only get it there. I can't remember what she replied but I didn't get anything in the end.

Before I knew, I was running around looking for something. I came across lots of anime characters and I was looking at the time. It was already 1 minute past 1 and I had already exceeded my given 2 minutes. Well, I still continued running and while I was at it, I suddenly thought of getting takoyaki (somehow, I just remembered that it wasn't easy to get since I'm away in Switz). So I was hunting for takoyaki. I asked a girl for directions (in Jap!) Haha... and she directed me. I found the stall and ordered immediately! But! I realised that it was... weird. The takoyaki they have on the stall menu board, 1) spinach takoyaki, 2) something takoyaki and 3) tako takoyaki. Hmm... the takoyaki they were making was huge! like bigger than my 2 fists. After observing the people, I realised that they aren't Japs, but Chinese. So I decided to walk off (yes, without my order :P)

So I was walking round and then someone pointed to the direction behind me and said takoyaki! I turned around and there were so many stalls selling takoyaki look-alikes. It turned out, that, they were all selling russian eggs. Yes, what the hell's russian eggs!? I have no idea but that's what it says on their signboard. Haha... It was hilarious. Oh well, somehow I walked and got lost and bumped into this really tall guy. He raised up his right arm to talk to me and he had Edward Scissorhand's 'hand'. It looked really scary but he was just trying to help me with directions. Haha... After that, something happened but it's all just very blur and I woke up... WITHOUT eating any takoyaki! ah!!! my γŸγ“η„Όγ!〜 :'(

Sigh... it was a crazy dream. probably one of the most ridiculous dreams I have had. Say, 1 out of a zillion? I have tonnes of ridiculous dreams. Very tiring to go to sleep. I wish I can have more dreamless nights!~ Tonight mabbe? :)

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