Monday, 8 February 2010


Well... It's not lke I'm very free cos there are actually lots and lots of work pending... Been doing research over the past few hours but I just can't find anything good! Ugh... How annoying...

Wll, I foresee a lot of time alone like now... 'cos my dearest roomie has finally decided to take up German. :) Yes, I'm H-A-P-P-Y for you, Val. :) 1 more hour till your class ends. Hmm... Since, I'm here, lemme just blog about my weekend.

Nothing extremely happening. Just lots of games, late nights and not to forget, Ice Skating!~

From Fri to Sun... Seriously... We were just playing Monopoly Deal, Bridge, Big Two, Old Maid/Donkey, Speed/Snap/Stress, Heart Attack, Jenga (i think that's about it). Totally reminds me of all those post exam games back in Pri/Sec school. Haha... On the first night, we were into hardcore Monopoly... played till 4am in the morning. Wahaha... That's the first night Vanessa played and got addicted to Monopoly Deal. It's crazy. Then, on the second night, we were just into Bridge. It's been so long since I played that I couldn't remember a thing. Haha... ok, I'll just admit, I'm old... I can't even think properly while playing snap anymore. I used to be so good at it. Ahem.. ok, USED to. Sigh... Just like how I once knew how to ice skate but on Saturday, I couldn't at all once I stepped into the skating ring...

Yup, I fell. ...3 times. Sigh... My Ankle area's bruised and of course, my butt too. Ouch. On Sat night, the lactic acid was killing me. I thought that I wouldn't be able to walk properly the following day. Haha... Somehow, it kinda reminds me of my Badminton training days... It was so much worse.. It's scary. I can't imagine how I pulled through 5 years of training every week. @_@ But still, I miss Secondary school days. Not as much as I miss S'pore food now tho... >_< Some kind soul please send smthg over... Otah sounds good... Laksa, Hokkien Mee, KFC Egg Tart, Mee Rebus, Beef Noodle, Char Siew Rice, OMG!~ >_<

Ok, I shall eat chocolates... This is the only thing that consoles me. It's the land of chocolates. I won't get sick of chocolates. Really. I still go all high when I see new chocolate flavors and go crazy at the chocolate section, my wallet wrestling with my inner chocolate craving. Haha... Seriouly, I love chocolate. But somehow, I've come to a realisation that I love S'pore food a lot more than chocolates. O_O Surprised? I'm surprised myself too but I think I'm able to live my life without chocolates but not without S'pore food. I think. Mabbe it's the craving for Singapore food that's so overwhelming now. I may say otherwise like... as soon as I touchdown in Singapore. Hee... >_<

Alrighty! I think I'd better get back to research!~ Hope I'll come back and update the blog more regularly! Oh yes! DONNA's heading to Tokyo tomorrow! After some 1 week in Hokkaido? Omg! DON! I'm so jealous! :s I wonder if Big Bang's in Tokyo now... Ah!!! >_< Tokyo! Seriously! I'm SO gg there within the next 5 years! Waha! Going off!~ \(^_^)/


Unknown said...

Are you lonely???
i am lonely....


Val said...

thanks for feeling happy for me! haha :)

Wen said...

Haha... yes! At least I still have you... let's meet in our dreams tmr since language class is from 8-10. :)