Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Hmm... It's been a while since I last blogged... Hee hee... feeling lazy... Well, I've always been feeling lazy...

Anw, I'm now at Front Office. Wk 2. Concierge. I was at Switchboard last week & will be at Biz Centre next week before going to Front Desk. The pple are great... but just that there's nothing to do... All I do is just stand ard, walk ard and sit ard. Sigh... Of course, I do observe n learn stuff... It can really be quite interesting to stand there and observe the happenings ard. :> LIKE, guests like to look for female staff. Even when the first table's the first n nearest desk, they dun approach it cos it's a male staff. REALLY!

Just checked my last post of current update... Realised that I didn't blog abt my attachment at laundry & spa too! haha... well... actually, after mu 2nd day at laundry, i fell ill n recovered only tis wk. Well, kinda recovered... Just tat the lobby's too cold n i've been sneezing more often these days...

Hmm... Dun feel like blogging abt attachment now... Hmm... After ard 14 weeks here, I'm beginning to miss home again... :s Sigh... I noe tat not soon from now, time will just fly by. But, I feel like gg home. I miss my room. I miss being able to tell when's wkend. I miss my aunt. I miss everyone. I miss shopping, like really shopping. I miss being able to sms my frens not having to think twice abt cost. I miss home cooked food. I miss going out to eat every Sunday. I miss not having to think so much abt everything. I miss watching movies. I miss the food! Ah!~ I wants them ALL!~ :'( BUT no worries, I'm FINE... Not crying or anything... Pple here are great so i'm doing well.. really... Just can't wait to go travelling with Val n her parents!

Anw, it's really cold now... Hasn't snowed yet... Doesn't really seem like it will even when Hong Kong's weather went down to -1 degree on Mon and Thai has just experienced one of their coldest time since dunno when. Sigh... the world's gg crazy cos of our survival.

Haha... our 2 juniors are shooting qns at me... I shall get going then! Will update soon! :) 66 More days!~


Mummy said...

65 more days!!! 2 months?? oh my, wat is 2 mths? And 1 day to your birthday!! Happy birthday, my dear sister. I miss you, in fact, we are miss you too! U take care and enjoy as much as u can. See u soon!

Wen said...

64 more days!~ haha... yes, wat is 2 mths when i'm alr here for 14wks!? Thanks again! Love you lots! Chat with u online later!