Saturday, 22 May 2010


I need to give out a big fat sigh now... And there are tonnes of reasons for it. First of all, revision week's coming to an end. And it seems like there is not much progress at all. I know that this is gonna be like... my 2 last papers the rest of my life? probably? I keep telling myself to really study... for just less than 1 week and then I can really play hard. BUT! Sigh... I just don't have the will power. The drive. I'm doing everything and anything but study. Everything and anything: watching drama, reading k and j pop news, reading world news, doodling in my diary, surfing around fb, staring blankly at the calendar, etc. You name it. Sigh.

Talking about staring blankly at the calendar... That's the second thing to sigh about. Time really flies. I feel really really old and can't control my time now. I agree with Amanda. We're probably getting a lil' too old for study. We kinda lose our focus. For me, I just feel that I no longer have the drive which I used to have so much of back in my Secondary school days. Come to think about it, it's weird how I'm quite a hardcore fan girl now as compared to my days in Secondary school. Shouldn't it be the other way round? Oh well... whatever the case, the fan girl-ing time really came at the wrong time. I should really spend more time with my textbooks, powerpoint slides and more readings... :s Sigh.

In less than a month's time, I would have graduated. With what kind of results, I really don't know. looking at my rate... Sigh. I am not young anymore, I should know what I wanna do and my future route, what I want to do. But it is not the case. My future is a blur. The future is so near yet so blur. Just how short-sighted am I? I think I am almost blind. Sigh. I read about how Taeyang got into YGE. His passion for singing since he was a kid, and how he gave himself a b'day pressie on his 12th b'day. He joined YGE. Sigh... HE, knew that he was gonna become a singer at such a young age, the age when I was suppose to be studying for my PSLE but ended up in front of the TV one day before my papers. x_x Sigh.

I am not trying to find excuse. But I really find it especially difficult to study here. The environment is just not right. Not like there aren't any distractions back at home. Just that, it just feels different. i can't just turn on my study mode *snap* just like that. I really wonder why. And it is really not helping when the marketing and tourism content is not what we have always been studying. It's so dry and biz planning-like in the academic way. Ugh! I totally abhore exams for such modules. Sigh. Not like I have a choice. :( Alrighty, I think I should get going. Hopefully after this 'everything and anything' -- blogging, I will be able to at least concentrate for a lil' and complete my current chapter. x_x

SSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ =============3 <- a long sigh...

Friday, 14 May 2010

Sport's Day - 1

I was awaken by Val at about 7am on Thursday morning. It's Ascension Day and like what my Title says, it's Sport's Day 1. I had to drag myself out of bed and the day was so cold and wet -- 9 freaking degrees. @_@

We left for the bus stop and the walk/jog there was... brrr.... It wasn't all that bad until after we got on the bus, we started asking people from the events team if we were going to be indoors or outdoors. To our PLEASANT surprise. Weee!~ We entered ourselves into: an outdoor 400m track, 2 basketball courts and 2 small soccer courts. It was crazy. The rain started coming and the rain. OOOOOOOooooooo.... I can never describe how the chill goes deep into the bones. :S

We wished and hoped and wished that it will be cancelled. Well, of course it didn't. Then we hoped and wished and hoped and wished that it will start soon so we can get it over and done with. Well, we started really late of course. My thighs were already aching by then, all the tensing of the muscles from the cold. :x During the long period of weight, we were literally going crazy, complaining and considering a walk over, a hot bowl of wanton mee, a hot bowl of instant noodle, the bed, the blanket, a hot cup of coffee/milo and a book! x_x Janet, Nikko and me were huddling in a thermal blanket most of the time. And when it was nearing our race, Nikko, Marisa, Hany and I were huddling in the blanket beside the track. Well, of course we were super AA and got labelled by Mr. B, the blanket girls + Dr. V just kept laughing whenever he sees us. :s

It was finally our turn to race and from 3 teams, it became 4 teams. How nice. 3 male teams against us, SLA. x_x BUT we did well! We completed the race! Haha... Of course, we finished 1st! ... from the back. :P It's been a really long time since I've ran. How I wish I had my sports shoe. Anyway, it's really no easy to exercise here 'cos of how thin the air is. It was really difficult to breathe and my lungs almost flipped over while I was running. There were so many audiences as all other events had ended. I wanted so much to sprint at the end, but I really... couldn't. Something was wrong with me. Haha... But the IMIs were so nice, they were cheering for me. Despite having suffered so much, think about the opportunity cost: sleeping in on a cold and rainy day + saving on 4 francs transport, I must say that it was a horrible experience. At least one that I will never ever forget unlike my past Sport's Day. Haha...

You can seriously imagine how bad the weather was. Even the guys were freezing their ass off. And seriously, on Sport's Day, who craves for a hot drink? Hasn't it always been cold ice water/gatorade or the super duper cold Milo truck dispenser?

Weather's gonna be bad for quite some time... and Badminton competition's on Saturday. I think I'm going to die. x_x Sigh... at least after I came back, I had a hot bath, a hot bowl of myojo shrimp tamen, surf the net and then off to bed and had a fantastic 4 hour long dreamless nap! Woohooo!~ Love it! <3