Sunday, 3 January 2010

Welcome to Luzern, Switzerland!~

It's my first Sunday in Luzern. Woke up at about 7am from my bro's sweet sms. Well... and i woke with quite puffy eyes & lips... throat hurts a lil' too. Val's still asleep. Really hope that my snoring didn't keep her awake last night 'cos i went to bed first and fell asleep within seconds.

Ok, Luzern!~ We got welcomed by snow on our way from the airport to the school... Had a welcome drink and yummy croissant, a mini snow fight, got allocated to our rooms, unpacked for a lil', changed and went off for brunch. Lunch was not bad. Had spaghetti, their so called rosti which appeared to be hashbrown & sausages. After which, we were off on a campus & city tour. Other than the campus' magnificent view... it's not fantastic school but at least it's small & cosy :)

Ok something more exciting now... The city tour!~ On our bus trip there... (Bus No. 21) I saw so many buildings... all so nice and well built!~ Kinda reminds me of the German houses in Qingdao & the houses on logcakes... :) The city's really cold... the wind's stronger there but really pretty!~ It looks like a lil' city to me... but at least the city's wireless! Haha... So cool ya?
There's a church in the city... (I'll visit it someday), Mac's, BK, Starbucks (I'm gonna miss pure choc) Body Shop... & H&M!~ Hoorah!~ They were having a sale when we were walking pass it. It's said that 60% of the visitors to Luzern are Asians... O_O (Don! Come here quick... be part of the 60%)

Eh... What else do I wanna talk about? Yes, the cleaning of OUR rm... Haha... We cleaned our room... unpacked and all... Got me really sleepy tho... But we finally finished and it was almost past dinner time so we went for dinner in the canteen. Well... they had only chicken curry, rice & bee hoon left. At least they had rice... So i took rice with chicken curry... I must say... the cook's not anyone close to being an Asian. We went back to the room and washed up... ( the toilet light's retarded, mabbe i shld say the design of the toilet isn't gd? 'Cos the light has got motion sensor...) then off to see the stars at ard 8pm. It's so dark and clear here that... It's just so... Superb. The moon's even bigger here and oh so round and bright. The sky's so clear that you can see the gradient of the moon's "colour" (the uneven surface of the moon) PLUS it was hanging beside the mountain & above the lake. The moonlight shining upon the lake's surface, sigh... not smthg that my stupid camera can capture so... It's etched deep in my memory. :) It's really like scenes you'll only read of from descriptive novels. >_<

Yea... that's kinda about wraps it all... Finally, to Gwen Yip: I heard that Jaela likes my b'day pressie for her!~ Yay!~ So happy to hear that from mummy!~

N now... for the photos...

In the midst of the above, Tania doing the <3>

On our way to the school, onboard the bus...

Started snowing...

View right in front of the school...

During the city tour...

Snow drop fell on Val's hair, our attempt to take photo of the snow flake structure...

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