Tuesday, 5 January 2010

First Sunday & Orientation 1...

On our first Sunday in Luzern... The class went to the city to get our necessities. Val & I too had a shopping list but it ended up being quite useless because we just didn't have he heart to spend it on them. Things like tissue box, hand soap, etc. They were necessities but not exactly a necessity. Oh well... We'll live without it. In the end we spent about 5 CHF for our bus trip & bought a 0.3 CHF bottle of weird tasting water. Sigh... Since we didn't want to waste the expensive bus fare... We continued walking round the city till we were just in time to catch the 5pm bus. By about 4pm... the sun was setting and the weather really started to get really really cold. Brrr... Everyone was freezing & we could hardly take it. We took quite a number of photos!~

At about 9pm, I got news from Steph & John that several classmates got really sick... running a fever, diarrhea & vomiting. It sounded realy bad. Michelle even got sent to the hospital! Till today, although they all turned up for orientation, I could tell that they are definitely still not well... I really hope that everyone will get well soon. God bless!~

For the first orientation... There were quite a number of talks and stuff... I guess I have been sleeping for too long... I got really tired at some point n my eyelids just felt so heavy... Oh dear... I better work something out before class officially starts. During the intro session for the first half of our cohort ('cos we got split into 2 grps), there were people from Singapore (of course), South Korea (Kyaah... Big Bang!), Macau, Hong Kong, Russia, US & Malaysia. Haha... Come to think about it... where are the Japs?? :P After the session, it started snowing so we decided to go n play with the snow after school. After much delay, we finally went out at about 5pm... It was kinda dark already but as it was still snowing, it wasn't as cold as yesterday night. The sun was setting so there were still streaks of reddish orange, which I was unable to really capture... Oh well... But we (Yingying, Val, Pam, Chris, Emma, Steph, Emma, Hany & me) had a snow fight... Hany even made snow angel! I wanna make one too but I was not wearing something waterproof. DAMN! It was really cute! :)

Then... I finally managed to skype with my cousin, uncle & aunt!~ :) Haha... it was 1am for them... So my cousin had to wake my aunt up... :p Really nice to see them... ;P Alrighty!~ I should get going... Tired... Going to bed... Omg... I've been so guai over the past few days... sleeping before 11pm, waking up at 7am, not watching korean variety show... sigh... I wanna watch FO & BB's performances! >_< Byeeeeeee........~ <3

Sorry... lazy to rotate...

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