Thursday, 4 December 2008

My off day yest...

I think yest's off day was the second most fulfilling day we've had here. What did we do? Hee... Here's what our day was like...

Crawled out of bed at 0820hr, washed up, dressed up and prepared all the things. Intended to leave at 0900hr but as usual, we dragged a lil' here n there and ended up leaving for BF at ard 0910hr. We went down to the restaurant to have BF, the usual cereal with milk, my chinese pao with green bean filling and 麻团. Oh, we had wanton too! It's not bad... :)

Afterwhich, we left for 神州大厦 to get our router. Got it at 60RMB. I also got a earphone with speaker at only 22RMB! Though the earplug thingy's kinda big but it works. :) We then made our way to 四海广场 cos we heard that things are cheap there. Val bought 2 really nice scarves, I bought a top (it's in the wash now). There's really a lot of things there... lots and lots of scarves, boots and what's not. If I didn't already have 4 scarves, I wld've bought another one.

Lots and lots of boots....

...and lots and lots of scarves and what's not.

Went back to the hotel to put down the stuff and tried if the router works... It works! Hoorah! >_< Ate some tidbits cos we were really hungry. Met our front desk colleague at 2pm and made our way to 天外村. It started to drizzle for a lil throughout our trip. We haven't been to the inner of the plc, only the perimeter... so we realised that it's REALLY beautiful! Haha... You can look at the pics... or mabbe it's just cos of who's in the photo la... Hee... I'm kidding!

I'm sure u've seen this before, somewhere in my blog...
(Btw, each pillar represents one king)

Here's smthg for u, Jean and Manda...
(Taken on the bridge)

The bamboos in the garden
(pple carved their names like a year or so ago)

A lil' bridge in the garden...

Lots of maple trees... N look how HUGE the leaves are!?
(I wonder if there's maple syrup... mmmmmm... :>)

Super duper huge dam...
(You'll see the water it contains later)

Owen, Me and Val...

Val and I sitting on the huge rock!

There... tat's the water the huge dam contains
(People were swimming in it and Owen said that every year, students die in them 'cos they failed to warm-up before swimming... Sigh...)

This pic really reminds me of one I took at Alisan, Taiwan.

At ard 4+, we went back to the hotel rm again, only to find out that our RO need us to help her edit some stuff she translated. Well, we asked to hand up today instead... You should really see what we are to edit! Anw, we rested for a lil' then went off again for the third time for dinner. We were really starving! Val brough me to eat Sichuan cuisine. We ordered a 酸菜鱼 and 2 bowls of rice. You must be thinking... "that's it?" Well... you may wanna see how SMALL the portion is...

It's really huge!

...N there were tons of bones
(I got pricked... it was painful :( )

After dinner, we left for 中百百货 which is just down the road. Looked at clothes, Val bought a lovely dress after much contemplation... Haha... I tried on some turtlenecks but they just don't fit so we went off the the supermarket. Wee!~ Bought cup noodles, biscuits, chips, cereal drink, fanta grape, orange juice and coke (comes with free tupperware). Spent ard 120RMB. They were really heavy... and we walked out of the shopping mall only to find that it was raining. Well, at least there was a cab just in front of us.

That was kinda our day... reached the room at ard 1945pm, surfed the net, I chatted with Geri and Don on Skype. Haha... So fun! At ard 2330hr, when I was about to turn in, Val realised that we forgot about the editing of the translation thingy... So we rushed through it and yea... It was interesting... There... Then it was goodnight for us cos we were so tired~.

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